Spoilers for Idle Champions
Portrait Model
Sheila, the Thief, aged 13, has the Cloak of Invisibility which makes her invisible when the hood is raised over her head. Although occasionally emotionally vulnerable and with a great fear of being alone in the realm, Sheila regularly utilizes the stealth attributes of her cloak at great peril to herself for the benefit of the common goals of her group.
Sheila will be a new champion in the Fleetswake event on 12 March 2025 (expected a week after event start due to the Worst the Wait event augment).
Seat: Unknown Species: Human (Guess) Class: Rogue (Guess) Roles: Unknown Age: 13 (Guess) Gender: Female (Guess) Alignment: Unknown Affiliation: Saturday Morning Squad (Guess)
Cloak of Invisibility (Guess)
Unknown effect.
{ "id": 25726, "graphic": "Icons/Events/2018Fleetswake/Fleetswake_Y8/Icon_Formation_Sheila_CloakofInvisibility", "v": 2, "fs": 0, "p": 0, "type": 1, "export_params": { "uses": [ "icon" ], "quantize": true } }
Kind Heart (Guess)
Unknown effect.
{ "id": 25727, "graphic": "Icons/Events/2018Fleetswake/Fleetswake_Y8/Icon_Formation_Sheila_KindHeart", "v": 2, "fs": 0, "p": 0, "type": 1, "export_params": { "uses": [ "icon" ], "quantize": true } }
Potion Regent Scavenger (Guess)
Unknown effect.
{ "id": 25728, "graphic": "Icons/Events/2018Fleetswake/Fleetswake_Y8/Icon_Formation_Sheila_PotionRegentScavenger", "v": 2, "fs": 0, "p": 0, "type": 1, "export_params": { "uses": [ "icon" ], "quantize": true } }
A Rosy Outlook (Guess)
Unknown effect.
{ "id": 25733, "graphic": "Icons/Events/2018Fleetswake/Fleetswake_Y8/Icon_Specialization_Sheila_ARosyOutlook", "v": 2, "fs": 0, "p": 0, "type": 1, "export_params": { "uses": [ "icon" ], "quantize": true } }
Meekly Meeting (Guess)
Unknown effect.
{ "id": 25737, "graphic": "Icons/Events/2018Fleetswake/Fleetswake_Y8/Icon_Specialization_Sheila_MeeklyMeeting", "v": 2, "fs": 0, "p": 0, "type": 1, "export_params": { "uses": [ "icon" ], "quantize": true } }
Youthful Allies (Guess)
Unknown effect.
{ "id": 25738, "graphic": "Icons/Events/2018Fleetswake/Fleetswake_Y8/Icon_Specialization_Sheila_YouthfulAllies", "v": 2, "fs": 0, "p": 0, "type": 1, "export_params": { "uses": [ "icon" ], "quantize": true } }
Confusing Strike (Guess)
Unknown effect.
{ "id": 25734, "graphic": "Icons/Events/2018Fleetswake/Fleetswake_Y8/Icon_Specialization_Sheila_ConfusingStrike", "v": 2, "fs": 0, "p": 0, "type": 1, "export_params": { "uses": [ "icon" ], "quantize": true } }
Enraging Strike (Guess)
Unknown effect.
{ "id": 25735, "graphic": "Icons/Events/2018Fleetswake/Fleetswake_Y8/Icon_Specialization_Sheila_EnragingStrike", "v": 2, "fs": 0, "p": 0, "type": 1, "export_params": { "uses": [ "icon" ], "quantize": true } }
Frightning Strike (Guess)
Unknown effect.
{ "id": 25736, "graphic": "Icons/Events/2018Fleetswake/Fleetswake_Y8/Icon_Specialization_Sheila_FrightningStrike", "v": 2, "fs": 0, "p": 0, "type": 1, "export_params": { "uses": [ "icon" ], "quantize": true } }
Icons Name Belt Bobby Birthday Presents Boots Clasp Cloak Of Invisibility Clothing
Unlock Adventure: The Unfair Sea (???) (Complete Area 50)
Search for some missing ships during Fleetswake in Waterdeep.
Variant 1: TBD (Complete Area 75)
Variant 2: TBD (Complete Area 125)
Variant 3: TBD (Complete Area 175)
Console Portrait Gold Chest Icon Silver Chest Icon
Last Modified: 2025-01-17 22:51:36 +0000