Spoilers for Idle Champions
Portrait Base Model Bear Model
Halsin is the Archdruid of the Emerald Grove and an accomplished healer. Before he went missing, Halsin and his apprentice Nettie were researching the recent spike in illithid tadpole infections.
Halsin will be a new champion in the Simril event on 4 December 2024.
Seat: 3 (Guess) Species: Elf (Wood) (Guess) Class: Druid (Guess) Roles: Support / Healing / Speed / Control (Guess) Age: 350 (Guess) Gender: Male (Guess) Alignment: Unknown Affiliation: Absolute Adversaries (Guess)
Base Attack: Thorn Whip (Magic)
Halsin attacks the enemy with the most health, dealing one hit and pulling them a short distance towards the formation.
Cooldown: 4.9s (Cap 1.225s)
{ "id": 818, "name": "Thorn Whip", "description": "Halsin attacks the enemy with the most health for one hit, pulling them a short distance.", "long_description": "Halsin attacks the enemy with the most health, dealing one hit and pulling them a short distance towards the formation.", "graphic_id": 0, "target": "highest_health", "num_targets": 1, "aoe_radius": 0, "damage_modifier": 1, "cooldown": 4.9, "animations": [ { "type": "ranged_attack", "animation_sequence_name": "attack_b", "projectile": "halsin_thorn_whip", "speed": 200, "shoot_frame": 22, "shoot_offset_x": 145, "shoot_offset_y": -45, "target_offset_x": -30, "target_offset_y": -50, "hold_shoot_frame_until_damage": true, "projectile_details": { "fade_back_time1": 0.4, "pull_distance": 300, "whip_graphic_names": [ "Effect_Halsin_ThornWhip_Beam" ], "fade_back_destination1": [ 0, -15 ], "fade_back_time2": 1, "fade_back_destination2": [ -80, 15 ] } } ], "tags": [ "ranged" ], "damage_types": [ "magic" ] }
Ultimate Attack: Bear Strike
Halsin moves up to the enemy with the most health and deals 1 ultimate hit to all nearby enemies and knocks them back a short distance.
Cooldown: 4.9s (Cap 1.225s)
ⓘ Note: Very short ultimate cooldowns are almost always for testing purposes and are likely to be increased later.
{ "id": 819, "name": "Bear Strike", "description": "Halsin moves up to the enemy with the most health and swipes at all nearby foes for one ultimate hit each.", "long_description": "Halsin moves up to the enemy with the most health and deals 1 ultimate hit to all nearby enemies and knocks them back a short distance.", "graphic_id": 0, "target": "highest_health", "num_targets": 1, "aoe_radius": 100, "damage_modifier": 0.03, "cooldown": 4.9, "animations": [ { "type": "melee_attack", "animation_sequence_name": "attack", "target_offset_x": -100, "start_frame": 5, "damage_frame": 8, "jump_sound": 30, "sound_frames": { "2": 194 }, "is_bud_damage": true, "force_count_for_bud": false, "effects_on_monsters": [ { "effect_string": "push_back_monster,10", "animation": "hit", "after_damage": true } ] } ], "tags": [ "melee", "ultimate" ], "damage_types": [ "melee" ] }
Archdruid of Emerald Grove (Guess)
Halsin gains a Harmony stack for each Good Champion in the formation, including himself. Halsin increases the damage of these Champions by 100% for each Harmony stack, stacking multiplicatively.
{ "id": 2136, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "conditions": [ { "condition": "upgrade_purchased 15966", "desc": "Halsin gains a Harmony stack for each Good or Neutral (Good/Evil axis) Champion in the formation, including himself. Halsin increases the damage of these Champions by $(amount)% for each Harmony stack, stacking multiplicatively." }, { "desc": "Halsin gains a Harmony stack for each Good Champion in the formation, including himself. Halsin increases the damage of these Champions by $(amount)% for each Harmony stack, stacking multiplicatively." } ] }, "effect_keys": [ { "effect_string": "pre_stack,100", "skip_effect_key_desc": true }, { "effect_string": "hero_dps_multiplier_mult,0", "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(15962,0)", "targets": [ "all" ], "filter_targets": [ { "type": "hero_expr", "hero_expr": "HasTag(`good`)" } ], "amount_func": "mult", "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute", "per_hero_expr": "HasTag(`good`)", "amount_updated_listeners": [ "slot_changed", "hero_tags_changed" ], "show_bonus": true, "stack_title": "Harmony Stacks", "off_when_benched": true, "use_computed_amount_for_description": true }, { "effect_string": "expression_on_trigger,area_complete", "per_trigger_expr": "AppendToSaveStat(`halsin_harmonious_areas_completed`, false, trigger_count * as_int(GetUpgradeStacks(15962, 1) >= 9))" } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25048, "large_graphic_id": 25042, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true, "default_bonus_index": 1 } }
Call to Action (Guess)
In non-boss areas, every time the area quest progresses there is a chance that you will just immediately complete the quest and move on to the next area. The maximum chance is 20% if the quest is one away from being completed but is greatly reduced based on the number of quest items left to collect or enemies left to defeat.
{ "id": 2137, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "In non-boss areas, every time the area quest progresses there is a chance that you will just immediately complete the quest and move on to the next area. The maximum chance is $(amount)% if the quest is one away from being completed but is greatly reduced based on the number of quest items left to collect or enemies left to defeat.^^Current Chance: $halsin_chance_to_instant_complete%" }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "halsin_call_to_action,20", "use_computed_amount_for_description": true, "effect_cap_affects_description": true, "effect_cap": 10000 } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25049, "large_graphic_id": 25043, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": false, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true, "default_bonus_index": 0, "retain_on_slot_changed": true } }
Nature’s Revival (Guess)
Halsin heals Champions affected by Archdruid of Emerald Grove by 10 health every second.
{ "id": 2138, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Halsin heals Champions affected by Archdruid of Emerald Grove by $(amount) health every second." }, "effect_keys": [ { "effect_string": "heal,10", "targets": [ "all" ], "filter_targets": [ { "type": "hero_expr", "hero_expr": "HasTag(`good`)" } ], "listen_for_computed_changes": true, "amount_updated_listeners": [ "upgrade_unlocked", "slot_changed", "feat_changed" ], "off_when_benched": true } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25050, "large_graphic_id": 25044, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true, "default_bonus_index": 0, "retain_on_slot_changed": true } }
Vow of Harmony (Guess)
Halsin provides benefits based on the number of Harmony stacks he has.
3+ Harmony stacks: Nurturing: The effect of Nature’s Revival is increased by 20% for each Harmony stack he has, stacking additively.
5+ Harmony stacks: Hurrying: The effect of Call To Action is increased by 50%.
7+ Harmony stacks: Recharging: When a Champion uses an Ultimate Attack, it recharges with 10% of the cooldown already done.
9+ Harmony stacks: Growing: Increases the base value of Archdruid of Emerald Grove by 400%.
{ "id": 2139, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Halsin provides benefits based on the number of Harmony stacks he has.^3+ Harmony stacks: Nurturing: The effect of Nature's Revival is increased by $(amount___2)% for each Harmony stack he has, stacking additively.^5+ Harmony stacks: Hurrying: The effect of Call To Action is increased by $(amount___3)%.^7+ Harmony stacks: Recharging: When a Champion uses an Ultimate Attack, it recharges with $(amount___4)% of the cooldown already done.^9+ Harmony stacks: Growing: Increases the base value of Archdruid of Emerald Grove by $(amount___5)%." }, "effect_keys": [ { "effect_string": "apply_effects_at_stacks", "show_description": false, "apply_effect_stack_amounts": [ 3, 5, 7, 9 ], "show_stacks": true, "stacks_are_bonus": false, "stacks_from_amount_func": "per_crusader", "target_filters": [ { "type": "tags", "tags": "good" } ], "amount_updated_listeners": [ "upgrade_unlocked", "slot_changed", "hero_tags_changed" ], "off_when_benched": true, "active_effect_key_description_prepender": "- ", "active_effect_key_description_joiner": "^" }, { "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,20,15964,0", "apply_manually": true, "off_when_benched": true, "amount_func": "add", "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute", "per_hero_expr": "HasTag(`good`)", "amount_updated_listeners": [ "upgrade_unlocked", "slot_changed", "hero_tags_changed" ], "override_key_desc": "The effect of Nature's Revival is increased by 20% for each Harmony stack he has, stacking additively.", "show_bonus": false, "show_stacks": false }, { "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,50,15963,0", "apply_manually": true, "off_when_benched": true, "override_key_desc": "The effect of Call To Action is increased by 50%." }, { "effect_string": "recharge_ultimates_on_use,10", "apply_manually": true, "off_when_benched": true, "override_key_desc": "When a Champion uses an Ultimate Attack, it recharges with 10% of the cooldown already done.", "show_bonus": false, "show_stacks": false }, { "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,400,15962,0", "apply_manually": true, "off_when_benched": true, "override_key_desc": "Increases the base value of Archdruid of Emerald Grove by 400%." } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25051, "large_graphic_id": 25045, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": false, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true, "default_bonus_index": 0 } }
Unlock Ultimate (Guess)
Unlocks Halsin’s Bear Form Ultimate Attack.
{ "id": 2143, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Unlocks Halsin's Bear Form Ultimate Attack" }, "effect_keys": [ { "effect_string": "halsin_ult", "duration": 20, "bear_graphic_id": 25077, "bear_attack_id": 819 }, { "effect_string": "set_ultimate_attack", "skip_effect_key_desc": true } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 0, "large_graphic_id": 0, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": false, "owner_use_outgoing_description": false, "formation_circle_icon": false } }
Harbinger of the Wilds (Guess)
Archdruid of Emerald Grove now also grants Harmony stacks for Neutral Champions in the formation (on the Good/Evil axis).
{ "id": 2140, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Archdruid of Emerald Grove now also grants Harmony stacks for Neutral Champions in the formation (on the Good/Evil axis)." }, "effect_keys": [ { "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15962,1", "data": { "filter_targets": [ { "type": "hero_expr", "hero_expr": "HasTag(`geneutral`)||HasTag(`good`)" } ] }, "off_when_benched": true }, { "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15962,1", "data": { "per_hero_expr": "HasTag(`geneutral`)||HasTag(`good`)" }, "off_when_benched": true, "skip_effect_key_desc": true }, { "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15964,0", "data": { "filter_targets": [ { "type": "hero_expr", "hero_expr": "HasTag(`geneutral`)||HasTag(`good`)" } ] }, "off_when_benched": true, "skip_effect_key_desc": true }, { "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15965,0", "data": { "target_filters": [ { "type": "tags", "tags": "good|geneutral" } ] }, "off_when_benched": true, "skip_effect_key_desc": true }, { "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15965,1", "data": { "per_hero_expr": "HasTag(`geneutral`)||HasTag(`good`)" }, "off_when_benched": true, "skip_effect_key_desc": true } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25054, "large_graphic_id": 25054, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true, "default_bonus_index": 0 } }
Sage of the Transformed (Guess)
Halsin increases the number of Ceremorphosis stacks the party has by 40%, rounded down.
{ "id": 2141, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Halsin increases the number of Ceremorphosis stacks the party has by $(amount)%, rounded down.^^Bonus Stacks: $(halsin_bonus_ceremorphosis_stacks amount)" }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "ceremorphosis_stacks_mult,40" } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25056, "large_graphic_id": 25056, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "formation_circle_icon": true } }
Protector of the Grove (Guess)
Increases the effect of Archdruid of Emerald Grove by your maximum chance of Call To Action triggering.
{ "id": 2142, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Increases the effect of Archdruid of Emerald Grove by your maximum chance of Call To Action triggering." }, "effect_keys": [ { "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,0,15962,1", "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(15963,0)", "use_computed_amount_for_description": true, "show_bonus": true, "off_when_benched": true } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25055, "large_graphic_id": 25055, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "formation_circle_icon": true } }
Icons Name Armor Boots Healing Stuff Magic Items Staff Story Items
Unlock Adventure: The Simril Spoilsport (Halsin) (Complete Area 50)
Simril is ruined! Someone has pilfered the food supplies!
Variant 1: Escape from the Shattered Sanctum (Complete Area 75)
Halsin starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
1-2 Goblins spawn with each wave. They don’t drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
You may only use Good and/or Neutral (on the Good/Evil axis) Champions.
Getting to Know Halsin: Halsin works well with Good Champions, and a specialization choice extends that to include Neutral Champions.
Variant 2: Lifting the Shadow Curse (Complete Area 125)
Due to the Shadow Curse, the weather is Foggy.
In non-boss areas, quest requirements are halved, but there is a 50% chance that a defeated enemy doesn’t drop quest items nor count towards quest progress.
Halsin starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
Getting to Know Halsin: Halsin provides a chance to advance to the next area before all the quest requirements are completed.
Variant 3: Bear Necessities (Complete Area 175)
Halsin starts in the formation with his Archdruid of Emerald Grove and Nature’s Revival abilities unlocked. He can be moved, but not removed.
Champions don’t recover health when moving to a new area.
Champions resurrect at half health when changing areas instead of full health.
Getting to Know Halsin: Halsin heals good Champions in the formation, and this can be extended to include Neutral Champions with his specialization choice.
Console Portrait Gold Chest Icon Silver Chest Icon
Last Modified: 2024-11-22 20:27:27 +0000