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PC Portrait for Grimm Portrait Model GIF of Grimm Model


Grimm’s immense strength and steadfast loyalty make him the perfect partner for Beadle’s clever schemes. A giant in both stature and courage, Grimm is as at home smashing through foes as he is keeping the Giant’s Bane Tavern running smoothly.

Basic Information

Grimm will be a new champion in the Festival of Fools event on 2 April 2025.

Seat: 2 Stat Value Day 1 Trials Patrons Species: Human Strength: 18 Yes Mirt Class: Barbarian Dexterity: 12 Yes Vajra Roles: DPS / Tanking / Breaker Constitution: 16 Yes - Age: 26 Intelligence: 12 Yes Zariel Gender: Male Wisdom: 9 Yes (Ability) Elminster Alignment: Chaotic Good Charisma: 14 Yes   Affiliation: - Total: 81 Champion ID: 161


GrimmFestival of Fools


Melee Icon Base Attack: Giant’s Bane (Melee)

Grimm cleaves through the nearest enemies with his two enormous greatswords.
Cooldown: 6.5s (Cap 1.625s)

Raw Data

    "id": 305,
    "name": "Giant's Bane",
    "description": "Grimm cleaves through the nearest enemies with his two enormous greatswords.",
    "long_description": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "target": "front",
    "num_targets": 1,
    "aoe_radius": 150,
    "damage_modifier": 1,
    "cooldown": 6.5,
    "animations": [
            "type": "melee_attack",
            "damage_frame": 5
    "tags": [
    "damage_types": [

One-on-One Icon Ultimate Attack: One-on-One (Level: 0)

Grimm attacks the enemy with the most health and knocks back other enemies in a small area. In non boss areas, a Frost Giant spawns in revenge.
Cooldown: 300s (Cap 75s)

Raw Data

    "id": 842,
    "name": "One-on-One",
    "description": "Grimm leaps into the fray, brutally slashing the enemy with the most health and knocking back all other enemies in a small area. Afterwards, if you're not in a boss area, a Frost Giant spawns in revenge.",
    "long_description": "Grimm attacks the enemy with the most health and knocks back other enemies in a small area. In non boss areas, a Frost Giant spawns in revenge.",
    "graphic_id": 8182,
    "target": "highest_health",
    "num_targets": 1,
    "aoe_radius": 200,
    "damage_modifier": 0.03,
    "cooldown": 300,
    "animations": [
            "type": "grimm_ultimate_v2",
            "damage_frame": 8,
            "aoe_radius": 500,
            "monster_ids": [
    "tags": [
    "damage_types": [


Inseparable (Level: 0)

Beadle & Grimm are so inseparable that if either one qualifies for an adventure restriction based on their tags, ages, ability scores, etc., then both can be used.

Raw Data

    "id": 16734,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 0,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2240",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Inseparable"
    "id": 2240,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Beadle & Grimm are so inseparable that if either one qualifies for an adventure restriction based on their tags, ages, ability scores, etc., then both can be used."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "do_nothing"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "show_in_owner_outgoing": true,
        "effect_name": "Inseparable",
        "use_outgoing_description": true

Brothers In Armors (Level: 1)

If Beadle is in the formation, all of Grimm’s equipment item levels are increased by Beadle’s base average item level.

Raw Data

    "id": 16730,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 1,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2253",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Brothers In Armors"
    "id": 2253,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "If Beadle is in the formation, all of Grimm's equipment item levels are increased by Beadle's base average item level."
    "effect_keys": [
            "off_when_benched": false,
            "effect_string": "item_levels_add,0",
            "targets": [
            "use_computed_amount_for_description": true,
            "current_value_bonus_desc": "Total Bonus: $(bonus) Item Levels"
            "off_when_benched": false,
            "effect_string": "buff_upgrade_add_flat_amount,1,16730",
            "amount_func": "add",
            "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute",
            "per_hero_expr": "AverageILevels()",
            "per_hero_targets": [
                    "type": "heroes",
                    "hero_ids": [
            "amount_updated_listeners": [
    "requirements": [
            "requirement": "hero_in_formation",
            "target_hero_id": 108
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "show_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0

Get Buff Icon Get Buff (Level: 10)

Each time Grimm attacks an enemy his base attack cooldown is reduced by 0.2 seconds and he deals 25% more damage, stacking up to 25 times. Damage bonus stacks multiplicatively, while the base attack cooldown stacks additively. Stacks reset upon changing areas, unless Moving Right Along is triggered.

Note: This ability is prestack.

Raw Data

    "id": 16735,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 10,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2257",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Get Buff",
    "tip_text": "Each time Grimm strikes, his attacks quicken and his damage intensifies, lasting until he moves to a new area."
    "id": 2257,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Each time Grimm attacks an enemy his base attack cooldown is reduced by 0.2 seconds and he deals $amount% more damage, stacking up to 25 times. Damage bonus stacks multiplicatively, while the base attack cooldown stacks additively. Stacks reset upon changing areas, unless Moving Right Along is triggered."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "pre_stack_amount,25",
            "skip_effect_key_desc": true
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "effect_string": "hero_dps_multiplier_mult,0",
            "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(16735,0)",
            "targets": [
            "max_stacks": 25,
            "stacks_multiply": true,
            "stacks_on_trigger": "owner_attack",
            "more_triggers": [
                    "trigger": "area_changed",
                    "action": {
                        "type": "reset"
            "show_bonus": true
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "effect_string": "reduce_attack_cooldown,0.2",
            "amount_func": "add",
            "stacks_multiply": false,
            "stack_func": "per_other_stack_count",
            "per_other_stack_count_upgrade_id": 16735,
            "per_other_stack_count_effect_key_index": 1,
            "use_computed_amount_for_description": true,
            "amount_updated_listeners": [
            "show_bonus": true
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 25990,
    "large_graphic_id": 25981,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "show_incoming": false,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0

One-on-One Icon One-on-One (Level: 15)

Grimm leaps into the fray, brutally slashing the enemy with the most health and knocking back all other enemies in a small area. Afterwards, if you’re not in a boss area, a Frost Giant spawns in revenge.

Raw Data

    "id": 16731,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 15,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ultimate",
    "effect": "effect_def,2255",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "One-on-One"
    "id": 2255,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Grimm leaps into the fray, brutally slashing the enemy with the most health and knocking back all other enemies in a small area. Afterwards, if you're not in a boss area, a Frost Giant spawns in revenge."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "set_ultimate_attack,842"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": []

Break Their Will Icon Break Their Will (Level: 20)

Each time Grimm attacks an enemy and breaks at least one armor or segmented health, he breaks 1 more on all subsequent attacks, stacking additively up to 5 times. Stacks reset upon changing areas, unless Moving Right Along is triggered.

Raw Data

    "id": 16736,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 20,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2258",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Break Their Will",
    "tip_text": "Grimm's attacks progressively break through more armor or segmented health. His bonuses last until changing areas, or may persist longer if the party advances quickly."
    "id": 2258,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Each time Grimm attacks an enemy and breaks at least one armor or segmented health, he breaks 1 more on all subsequent attacks, stacking additively up to 5 times. Stacks reset upon changing areas, unless Moving Right Along is triggered."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "do_nothing,1",
            "stacks_on_trigger": "monster_armor_segment_broken",
            "more_triggers": [
                    "trigger": "monster_health_segment_broken",
                    "action": {
                        "type": "add_stack"
                    "trigger": "area_changed",
                    "action": {
                        "type": "reset"
            "stacks_multiply": false,
            "max_stacks": 5,
            "show_stacks": true
            "effect_string": "increase_damage_against_monster_armor_and_hits,0",
            "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(16736,0)"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 25989,
    "large_graphic_id": 25980,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "show_incoming": false,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0

Moving Right Along Icon Moving Right Along (Level: 30)

If the party completes a new area within 15 seconds of entering it, Grimm’s Get Buff and Break Their Will stacks do not reset upon entering the next area.

Raw Data

    "id": 16737,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 30,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2259",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Moving Right Along"
    "id": 2259,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "If the party completes a new area within 15 seconds of entering it, Grimm's Get Buff and Break Their Will stacks do not reset upon entering the next area."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "apply_effects_at_stacks",
            "show_description": false,
            "apply_effect_stack_amounts": [
            "max_stacks": 1,
            "stacks_on_trigger": "on_timer,15",
            "more_triggers": [
                    "trigger": "post_area_changed",
                    "only_from_highest_areas": 2,
                    "on_area_change_backward": false,
                    "on_area_change_same": false,
                    "action": {
                        "type": "reset"
                    "trigger": "post_area_changed",
                    "on_area_change_forward": false,
                    "action": {
                        "type": "add_stack"
                    "trigger": "post_area_changed",
                    "action": {
                        "type": "reset_timer"
            "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,16736,0",
            "apply_manually": true,
            "data": {
                "more_triggers": [
                        "trigger": "monster_health_segment_broken",
                        "action": {
                            "type": "add_stack"
                        "trigger": "area_changed",
                        "on_area_change_forward": false,
                        "action": {
                            "type": "reset"
            "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,16736,0",
            "apply_manually": true,
            "data": {
                "more_triggers": [
                        "trigger": "monster_health_segment_broken",
                        "action": {
                            "type": "add_stack"
                        "trigger": "area_changed",
                        "action": {
                            "type": "reset"
            "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,16735,1",
            "apply_manually": true,
            "data": {
                "more_triggers": [
                        "trigger": "area_changed",
                        "on_area_change_forward": false,
                        "action": {
                            "type": "reset"
            "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,16735,1",
            "apply_manually": true,
            "data": {
                "more_triggers": [
                        "trigger": "area_changed",
                        "action": {
                            "type": "reset"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 25991,
    "large_graphic_id": 25982,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": false

Barbarian's Protection Icon Barbarian’s Protection (Level: 40)

Grimm increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of his max health and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%.

Raw Data

    "id": 16738,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 40,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2260",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Barbarian's Protection"
    "id": 2260,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Grimm increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of his max health and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%."
    "effect_keys": [
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "effect_string": "increase_health_by_source_percent,25",
            "targets": [
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "effect_string": "healing_add_mult,25",
            "targets": [
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 25988,
    "large_graphic_id": 25979,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0

FA1 Boast(Grimm) (Level: 60)

Increase effect of Get Buff by 100%.

Note: This ability is prestack.

Raw Data

    "id": 16894,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 60,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2272",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "FA1 Boast(Grimm)"
    "id": 2272,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Increase effect of Get Buff by $amount%"
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,100,16735"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0

Ultimate Tag Team (Level: 90)

When Beadle uses his ultimate ability in the same party as Grimm, Grimm’s ultimate ability goes on cooldown and he gains one Tag Team stack. For each Tag Team stack Grimm has, his ultimate cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds, and his next ultimate attack deals 200% more damage, stacking multiplicatively. Tag Team stacks cap at 10 and reset when Grimm uses his ultimate ability.

Raw Data

    "id": 16732,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 90,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2254",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Ultimate Tag Team"
    "id": 2254,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "When Beadle uses his ultimate ability in the same party as Grimm, Grimm's ultimate ability goes on cooldown and he gains one Tag Team stack. For each Tag Team stack Grimm has, his ultimate cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds, and his next ultimate attack deals $amount% more damage, stacking multiplicatively. Tag Team stacks cap at 10 and reset when Grimm uses his ultimate ability."
    "effect_keys": [
            "off_when_benched": false,
            "effect_string": "ultimate_tag_team,200",
            "source_hero_id": 161,
            "target_hero_id": 108,
            "stack_max": 10,
            "cooldown_decrease": 5,
            "buff_effect_key_index": 1,
            "stat": "grimm_tag_team_stacks",
            "override_key_desc": "For each Tag Team stack Grimm has, his ultimate cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds, and his next ultimate attack deals $amount% more damage, stacking multiplicatively",
            "achievement_stat_name": "grimm_tag_team_max"
            "effect_string": "do_nothing,200",
            "stacks_on_trigger": "will_stack_manually",
            "stacks_multiply": true,
            "show_bonus": true,
            "apply_manually": true
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "show_outgoing_description": true,
        "show_incoming": false,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0


Giant Hunter Icon Giant Hunter (Level: 50)

Grimm gains the Hunter role, and Giants become his Favored Foe. Grimm deals 10000% more damage against his Favored Foe, and all boss enemies also count as Giants for the purposes of all abilities that care about such things.

Raw Data

    "id": 16890,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 50,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2261",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Giant Hunter",
    "specialization_name": "Giant Hunter",
    "specialization_description": "The bigger they are, the harder they fall.",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 25997
    "id": 2261,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Grimm gains the Hunter role, and Giants become his Favored Foe. Grimm deals $amount% more damage against his Favored Foe, and all boss enemies also count as Giants for the purposes of all abilities that care about such things"
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "increase_damage_against_monster,10000",
            "monster_is_favored_foe_of_effect_owner": true,
            "targets": [
            "off_when_benched": true
            "effect_string": "monster_add_tags,0,1,giant"
            "effect_string": "add_hero_tags,0,hunter"
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "effect_string": "favored_foe,giant"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0

Giant Taunter Icon Giant Taunter (Level: 50)

Grimm taunts all enemies he attacks, causing them to switch targets and attack him. For each enemy that has attacked him in the current area, his damage is increased by 25%, stacking multiplicatively up to 100 times.

Raw Data

    "id": 16891,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 50,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2262",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Giant Taunter",
    "specialization_name": "Giant Taunter",
    "specialization_description": "The only problem with taunting giants is that they sometimes hear you.",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 25999
    "id": 2262,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Grimm taunts all enemies he attacks, causing them to switch targets and attack him. For each enemy that has attacked him in the current area, his damage is increased by $amount%, stacking multiplicatively up to 100 times."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "hero_dps_multiplier_mult,25",
            "stacks_on_trigger": "hero_targeted_by_effect_attacked",
            "more_triggers": [
                    "trigger": "area_changed",
                    "action": {
                        "type": "reset"
            "stacks_multiply": true,
            "max_stacks": 100,
            "show_bonus": true
            "effect_string": "taunt,0",
            "base_attack_taunts": true,
            "base_attack_always_taunts": true
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0

Giant Profits Icon Giant Profits (Level: 50)

Grimm gains the Gold Find role. Enemies that Grimm defeats drop 100% additional gold for each enemy he has defeated in the current area, stacking multiplicatively and capping at 20.

Raw Data

    "id": 16892,
    "hero_id": 161,
    "required_level": 50,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2263",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Giant Profits",
    "specialization_name": "Giant Profits",
    "specialization_description": "The Giant’s Bane Tavern wasn’t built on good intentions — it was built on giant treasure.",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 25998
    "id": 2263,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Grimm gains the Gold Find role. Enemies that Grimm defeats drop $amount% additional gold for each enemy he has defeated in the current area, stacking multiplicatively and capping at 20."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "add_monster_hit_effects,100",
            "monster_effect": {
                "effect_string": "chance_monster_extra_gold,$amount,100",
                "one_per_hero": true
            "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,100,16892",
            "stacks_on_trigger": "owner_kill",
            "stacks_multiply": true,
            "more_triggers": [
                    "trigger": "area_changed",
                    "action": {
                        "type": "reset"
            "max_stacks": 20,
            "show_bonus": true
            "effect_string": "add_hero_tags,0,gold"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0


Icons Slot Epic Name Effect Lost and Found Sword IconID: 3818Lost and Found SwordIf it’s sharp, then IT’LL DO! ~Grimmhero_dps_multiplier_mult,50
Silvered Sword IconID: 3819Silvered SwordWhat do you mean it might not be silver!? ~Grimmhero_dps_multiplier_mult,125
Grimm's Blade IconID: 3820Grimm’s BladeEvery blade is unique. This one is my blade. No touching. ~Grimmhero_dps_multiplier_mult,200
Sword of Redemption IconID: 3821Sword of RedemptionI’ll make up for my past mistakes. ~Grimmhero_dps_multiplier_mult,350
1 Sword of Redemption Self DPS
Proof of a Duel IconID: 3822Proof of a DuelThere he was, steel brandished! His terrible foe towered over him! ~Beadlebuff_upgrade,25,16735
Taste of Victory IconID: 3823Taste of VictoryThe frost giant fell, and Grimm the Giant Slayer’s legend had been born! ~Beadlebuff_upgrade,50,16735
Crude Mockery IconID: 3824Crude MockeryBut the giants would soon have their revenge! They left a dire warning. ~Beadlebuff_upgrade,75,16735
Memory of Trask IconID: 3825Memory of TraskThey will be remembered, and I will never forget. ~Grimmbuff_upgrade,100,16735
2 Memory of Trask Get Buff (Prestack)
Spare Helmet IconID: 3826Spare HelmetWear in case of emergency. Or if you’re too drunk. ~Beadlebuff_upgrades,25,16890,16891,16892
Frost Giant Helmet IconID: 3827Frost Giant HelmetWe needed to build a new dining room for all of our giant trophies! ~Beadlebuff_upgrades,87.5,16890,16891,16892
Frost Giant's Ear IconID: 3828Frost Giant’s EarBeadle keeps it out back. He brings it out during the ‘Tale of the Giant Slayer.’ ~Grimmbuff_upgrades,150,16890,16891,16892
Carving of the Slain Giant IconID: 3829Carving of the Slain GiantThis… is a reminder of my hubris. My biggest mistake. ~Grimmbuff_upgrades,275,16890,16891,16892
3 Carving of the Slain Giant All Specialisations
Makeshift Leather Armor IconID: 3830Makeshift Leather ArmorFound this in the back room, gathering dust. It’ll do, yeah? ~Beadlehealth_mult,10
Mammoth Hide Armor IconID: 3831Mammoth Hide ArmorOf course he slew the beast himself! ~Beadlehealth_mult,30
Sturdy Iron Breastplate IconID: 3832Sturdy Iron BreastplateIt’s lined with chardalyn, for a little extra protection. ~Beadlehealth_mult,50
White Wyrm Scale Mail IconID: 3833White Wyrm Scale MailNot even old Iceclaws could stop me now! ~Grimmhealth_mult,100
4 White Wyrm Scale Mail Health
Blizzard Ruined Furs IconID: 3834Blizzard Ruined FursI ended up doing more damage to the cloak than the bugbear! ~Grimmbuff_ultimate,25
Icky Furs IconID: 3835Icky FursDo you remember the gelatinous cube you RAN into!? ~Grimmbuff_ultimate,87.5
Frozen North Furs IconID: 3836Frozen North FursLeave your cloaks at the door, friends. You’re in the Giant’s Bane Tavern, now. ~Beadlebuff_ultimate,150
Elegant Snow Cloak IconID: 3837Elegant Snow CloakNow THIS is a fashion statement! ~Grimmbuff_ultimate,275
5 Elegant Snow Cloak Ultimate Damage
Dueling Boots IconID: 3838Dueling BootsBeadle uses them when he wants to perform a dueling scene. ~Grimmreduce_ultimate_cooldown,8
Trash Boots IconID: 3839Trash BootsGrimm uses them when he needs to take out the trash. ~Beadlereduce_ultimate_cooldown,15
Mithral Toed Boots IconID: 3840Mithral Toed BootsIt’s all fun and games till Grimm tosses his cleaver across the room. ~Beadlereduce_ultimate_cooldown,30
Boots of the Giant Slayer IconID: 3841Boots of the Giant SlayerThey make me look awesome, right?! Can I borrow them? ~Beadlereduce_ultimate_cooldown,75
6 Boots of the Giant Slayer Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
Cap: 501 dull / 251 shiny / 126 golden.

Item Names and Descriptions

Slot 1:
      Lost and Found Sword: If it's sharp, then IT'LL DO! ~Grimm
            Silvered Sword: What do you mean it might not be silver!? ~Grimm
             Grimm's Blade: Every blade is unique. This one is my blade. No touching. ~Grimm
       Sword of Redemption: I'll make up for my past mistakes. ~Grimm

Slot 2:
           Proof of a Duel: There he was, steel brandished! His terrible foe towered over him!
          Taste of Victory: The frost giant fell, and Grimm the Giant Slayer's legend had been
                            born! ~Beadle
             Crude Mockery: But the giants would soon have their revenge! They left a dire
                            warning. ~Beadle
           Memory of Trask: They will be remembered, and I will never forget. ~Grimm

Slot 3:
              Spare Helmet: Wear in case of emergency. Or if you're too drunk. ~Beadle
        Frost Giant Helmet: We needed to build a new dining room for all of our giant trophies!
         Frost Giant's Ear: Beadle keeps it out back. He brings it out during the 'Tale of the
                            Giant Slayer.' ~Grimm
Carving of the Slain Giant: This... is a reminder of my hubris. My biggest mistake. ~Grimm

Slot 4:
   Makeshift Leather Armor: Found this in the back room, gathering dust. It'll do, yeah?
        Mammoth Hide Armor: Of course he slew the beast himself! ~Beadle
   Sturdy Iron Breastplate: It's lined with chardalyn, for a little extra protection. ~Beadle
     White Wyrm Scale Mail: Not even old Iceclaws could stop me now! ~Grimm

Slot 5:
      Blizzard Ruined Furs: I ended up doing more damage to the cloak than the bugbear! ~Grimm
                 Icky Furs: Do you remember the gelatinous cube you RAN into!? ~Grimm
         Frozen North Furs: Leave your cloaks at the door, friends. You're in the Giant's Bane
                            Tavern, now. ~Beadle
        Elegant Snow Cloak: Now THIS is a fashion statement! ~Grimm

Slot 6:
             Dueling Boots: Beadle uses them when he wants to perform a dueling scene. ~Grimm
               Trash Boots: Grimm uses them when he needs to take out the trash. ~Beadle
        Mithral Toed Boots: It's all fun and games till Grimm tosses his cleaver across the
                            room. ~Beadle
 Boots of the Giant Slayer: They make me look awesome, right?! Can I borrow them? ~Beadle


This list will only show feats that are going to be available on the release of this champion. The separate Feats page may show others that could be available later if they exist.

Feat Effect Source Tavern Brawler IconID: 2142Tavern Brawler (Grimm)Trust me, friend. You do not want to test me. ~Grimmhero_dps_multiplier_mult,30Tavern Brawler 30% Self DPS Free Grappler IconID: 2143Grappler (Grimm)Grimm! I got one! ~Beadlehero_dps_multiplier_mult,60Grappler 60% Self DPS 12,500 Gems Defensive Duelist IconID: 2144Defensive Duelist (Grimm)You’re no frost giant. This will be easy. ~Grimmoverwhelm_start_increase,5Defensive Duelist +5 Overwhelm Free Calm Under Pressure IconID: 2145Calm Under Pressure (Grimm)A hundred of you and just one of me? I like those odds. ~Grimmoverwhelm_start_increase,10Calm Under Pressure +10 Overwhelm 12,500 Gems Tough IconID: 2146Tough (Grimm)This is nothing! Beadle’s steaks are tougher than this! ~Grimmhealth_mult,15Tough 15% Health Free Resilient IconID: 2147Resilient (Grimm)I didn’t give up after Trask, and I won’t give up now. ~Grimmhealth_mult,30Resilient 30% Health Gold Chest Warm Up IconID: 2148Warm Up (Grimm)Let me make a few practice swings before we get down to business. ~Grimmbuff_upgrade,20,16735Warm Up 20% Get Buff (Prestack) Free Fired Up IconID: 2149Fired Up (Grimm)Start counting, Beadle. I want to know how many swings they can take. ~Grimmbuff_upgrade,40,16735Fired Up 40% Get Buff (Prestack) Gold Chest Friend in Deed IconID: 2150Friend in Deed (Grimm)Beadle! Need you over here! No, it can’t wait! ~Grimmbuff_upgrade,40,16732Friend in Deed 40% Ultimate Tag Team Gold Chest Beadle's Partner in Crime IconID: 2151Beadle’s Partner in Crime (Grimm)If you have a problem with him, you’ll have to go through me. ~Grimmbuff_upgrade,80,16732Beadle’s Partner in Crime 80% Ultimate Tag Team Event Bonus Giant Ego IconID: 2152Giant Ego (Grimm)Grimm’s one of the best warriors around. Don’t worry. He’ll remind you. ~Beadlebuff_upgrades,40,16890,16891,16892Giant Ego 40% All Specialisations 12,500 Gems Muscle Club IconID: 2153Muscle Club (Grimm)I’m huge. You’re huge. We should hang out. ~Grimmhero_dps_multiplier_mult,40Muscle Club 40% Self DPS Event Bonus Gloves Off IconID: 2154Gloves Off (Grimm)Let’s settle this, one on one. No potions, blades only, neutral ground. ~Grimmbuff_ultimate,100
Gloves Off
100% Ultimate Damage & Blocks Roaming Ultimate Bar Familiars 3,830 Platinum
50,000 Gems


DPS Applicable

        Arkhan: 5 / 6
       Artemis: 5 / 6
       Asharra: 5 / 6
         Azaka: 5 / 6
Beadle & Grimm: 6 / 6
        Binwin: 4 / 6
      Birdsong: 5 / 6
   Black Viper: 6 / 6
         Bobby: 5 / 6
    Catti-brie: 6 / 6
        D'hani: 5 / 6
     Dark Urge: 6 / 6
        Delina: 6 / 6
       Dhadius: 5 / 6
        Drizzt: 4 / 6
       Farideh: 5 / 6
           Fen: 6 / 6
         Grimm: 6 / 6
        Gromma: 4 / 6
          Ishi: 6 / 6
       Jaheira: 5 / 6
       Jamilah: 5 / 6
      Jarlaxle: 5 / 6
           Jim: 6 / 6
       Karlach: 5 / 6
           Kas: 5 / 6
          Kent: 5 / 6
         Krond: 5 / 6
          Krux: 4 / 6
        Lucius: 5 / 6
         Makos: 4 / 6
         Minsc: 5 / 6
         NERDS: 5 / 6
        Nahara: 6 / 6
         Nixie: 6 / 6
        Orisha: 5 / 6
      Prudence: 6 / 6
         Rosie: 6 / 6
         Strix: 6 / 6
       Torogar: 5 / 6
        Warden: 6 / 6
       Warduke: 5 / 6
          Wren: 5 / 6
        Yorven: 5 / 6
         Zorbu: 6 / 6

Non-DPS Applicable

          Aeon: 4 / 6
          Aila: 5 / 6
       Alyndra: 4 / 6
       Antrius: 6 / 6
      Astarion: 4 / 6
         Avren: 6 / 6
          BBEG: 4 / 6
       Baeloth: 6 / 6
      Barrowin: 4 / 6
        Beadle: 4 / 6
          Brig: 6 / 6
          Briv: 6 / 6
       Bruenor: 3 / 6
      Calliope: 6 / 6
     Certainty: 5 / 6
       Corazón: 6 / 6
        Deekin: 5 / 6
       Desmond: 6 / 6
         Diana: 4 / 6
           Dob: 6 / 6
    Dragonbait: 5 / 6
Dungeon Master: 5 / 6
      Dynaheir: 4 / 6
        Egbert: 6 / 6
      Ellywick: 6 / 6
          Eric: 4 / 6
       Evandra: 5 / 6
        Evelyn: 5 / 6
     Ezmerelda: 6 / 6
        Freely: 5 / 6
          Gale: 4 / 6
       Gazrick: 4 / 6
        Halsin: 5 / 6
       Havilar: 5 / 6
      Hew Maan: 5 / 6
         Hitch: 6 / 6
         Imoen: 5 / 6
      Jang Sao: 4 / 6
      K'thriss: 6 / 6
         Kalix: 4 / 6
         Krull: 4 / 6
       Lazaapz: 4 / 6
         Mehen: 4 / 6
          Melf: 4 / 6
      Minthara: 5 / 6
         Miria: 4 / 6
        Môrgæn: 5 / 6
        Nayeli: 5 / 6
         Nerys: 5 / 6
        Nordom: 4 / 6
          Nova: 6 / 6
         Nrakk: 4 / 6
          Omin: 3 / 6
        Orkira: 6 / 6
       Paultin: 6 / 6
      Penelope: 6 / 6
         Pwent: 5 / 6
        Qillek: 5 / 6
     Ravengard: 5 / 6
          Reya: 5 / 6
          Rust: 5 / 6
        Selise: 5 / 6
        Sentry: 4 / 6
     Sgt. Knox: 5 / 6
   Shadowheart: 4 / 6
         Shaka: 5 / 6
       Shandie: 6 / 6
      Sisaspia: 5 / 6
         Spurt: 4 / 6
         Stoki: 4 / 6
   Strongheart: 5 / 6
       Tatyana: 5 / 6
      Thellora: 5 / 6
        Turiel: 5 / 6
         Tyril: 5 / 6
       Ulkoria: 5 / 6
       Umberto: 4 / 6
         Uriah: 4 / 6
     Valentine: 5 / 6
            Vi: 4 / 6
       Viconia: 5 / 6
      Vin Ursa: 4 / 6
        Virgil: 5 / 6
       Vlahnya: 5 / 6
      Voronika: 6 / 6
        Walnut: 4 / 6
       Wulfgar: 6 / 6
          Wyll: 5 / 6
        Xander: 5 / 6
      Xerophon: 5 / 6

Adventures and Variants

Unlock Adventure: A Fool’s Errand (???) (Complete Area 50)

Save the village from a foolish prank gone wrong.

Variant 1: Grimm Consequences (Complete Area 75)

Variant 2: Grimm’s Strength Test (Complete Area 125)

Variant 3: Grimm’s Icebreaker (Complete Area 175)

Other Champion Images

Grimm Console PortraitConsole Portrait Grimm Gold Chest IconGold Chest Icon Grimm Silver Chest IconSilver Chest Icon

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Last Modified: 2025-02-22 14:18:09 +0000