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PC Portrait for Minthara Portrait Model GIF of Minthara Base Model Arachnophobia Warning Cover Layer Alternate Model GIF of Minthara: Kar'niss Kar’niss Model


Minthara, once a House Matron from the esteemed House Baenre in Menzoberranzan, was cast aside by the Absolute after failing to recover a powerful and mysterious artifact. Having broken free from the Absolute’s control, she now harbors an intense hatred for her former master. Fueled by vengeance and a desire to reclaim her lost honor, Minthara channels her dark powers and cunning to oppose the Absolute and any who stand in her way.

Basic Information

Minthara will be a new champion in the Feast of the Moon event on 6 November 2024.

Seat: 3 Stat Value Day 1 Trials Patrons Species: Elf (Drow) Strength: 16 Yes Mirt Class: Paladin Dexterity: 15 Yes Vajra Roles: Support / Debuff / Tanking Constitution: 14 Yes - Age: 150 Intelligence: 10 Yes Zariel Gender: Female Wisdom: 12 Yes Elminster Alignment: Neutral Evil Charisma: 17 Yes   Affiliation: Absolute Adversaries Total: 84 Champion ID: 154


MintharaFeast of the Moon


Melee Icon Base Attack: Double Maces (Melee)

Minthara dashes toward the healthiest enemy and damages nearby foes with a swing of her maces.
Cooldown: 5s (Cap 1.25s)

Raw Data

    "id": 810,
    "name": "Double Maces",
    "description": "Minthara dashes toward the healthiest enemy and damages nearby foes with a swing of her maces.",
    "long_description": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "target": "highest_health",
    "num_targets": 1,
    "aoe_radius": 100,
    "damage_modifier": 1,
    "cooldown": 5,
    "animations": [
            "type": "melee_attack",
            "damage_frame": 8,
            "target_offset_x": -40,
            "jump_sound": 30,
            "sound_frames": {
                "14": 154
    "tags": [
    "damage_types": [

Spider's Lyre Icon Ultimate Attack: Spider’s Lyre (Level: 0)

Minthara summons Kar’niss the Drider to attack all enemies. In a non-boss area, the Champions advance to the next area if no enemies remain after the attack.
Cooldown: 350s (Cap 87.5s)

Raw Data

    "id": 811,
    "name": "Spider's Lyre",
    "description": "A summoned Drider attacks all enemies, potentially completing the current area.",
    "long_description": "Minthara summons Kar'niss the Drider to attack all enemies. In a non-boss area, the Champions advance to the next area if no enemies remain after the attack.",
    "graphic_id": 24887,
    "target": "front",
    "num_targets": 1,
    "aoe_radius": 0,
    "damage_modifier": 0.03,
    "cooldown": 350,
    "animations": [
            "type": "ultimate_attack",
            "ultimate": "minthara"
    "tags": [
    "damage_types": [


Noble of Menzoberranzan Icon Noble of Menzoberranzan (Level: 20)

Minthara gains a Strife stack for each Evil Champion in the formation, including herself. Minthara increases the damage of these Champions by 100% for each Strife stack, stacking multiplicatively.

Upgrade Data

       80: 100%
      220: 100%
      290: 100%
      380: 100%
      470: 100%
      560: 100%
      650: 100%
      750: 100%
      840: 100%
      940: 100%
    1,030: 100%
    1,130: 100%
    1,230: 100%
    1,330: 100%
    1,430: 100%
    1,520: 100%
    1,620: 100%
    1,710: 100%
    1,810: 100%
    1,910: 100%

    Total Upgrade Bonus: 1.05e08%

Raw Data

    "id": 15942,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 20,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2115",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Noble of Menzoberranzan",
    "tip_text": "Minthara buffs Evil Champions, and these abilities improve as more Evil Champions are in the formation."
    "id": 2115,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "conditions": [
                "condition": "upgrade_purchased 15946",
                "desc": "Minthara gains a Strife stack for each Evil or Neutral (Good/Evil axis) Champion in the formation, including herself. Minthara increases the damage of these Champions by $(amount)% for each Strife stack, stacking multiplicatively."
                "desc": "Minthara gains a Strife stack for each Evil Champion in the formation, including herself. Minthara increases the damage of these Champions by $(amount)% for each Strife stack, stacking multiplicatively."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "pre_stack,100",
            "skip_effect_key_desc": true
            "effect_string": "hero_dps_multiplier_mult,0",
            "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(15942,0)",
            "targets": [
            "filter_targets": [
                    "type": "hero_expr",
                    "hero_expr": "HasTag(`evil`)"
            "amount_func": "mult",
            "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute",
            "per_hero_expr": "HasTag(`evil`)",
            "amount_updated_listeners": [
            "show_bonus": true,
            "stack_title": "Strife Stacks",
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "use_computed_amount_for_description": true
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 24877,
    "large_graphic_id": 24871,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "formation_circle_icon": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 1
    "id": 15950,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 80,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15974,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 220,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15976,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 290,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15978,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 380,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15981,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 470,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15983,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 560,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15984,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 650,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15987,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 750,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15988,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 840,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15991,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 940,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15992,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 1030,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15995,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 1130,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15996,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 1230,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15999,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 1330,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 16001,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 1430,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 16003,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 1520,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 16005,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 1620,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 16007,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 1710,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 16009,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 1810,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 16011,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 1910,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "buff_upgrade,100,15942",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""

Soul Branding Icon Soul Branding (Level: 100)

When Minthara damages an enemy, they take 100% additional damage from all subsequent attacks, stacking multiplicatively up to the number of Strife stacks Minthara has.

Note: This ability is prestack.

Raw Data

    "id": 15944,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 100,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2117",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Soul Branding",
    "tip_text": "Minthara debuffs enemies she hits, causing them to take more damage from subsequent attacks."
    "id": 2117,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "When Minthara damages an enemy, they take $(amount)% additional damage from all subsequent attacks, stacking multiplicatively up to the number of Strife stacks Minthara has.",
        "post": {
            "conditions": [
                    "condition": "not static_desc",
                    "desc": "^^Max Stacks: $minthara_max_stacks"
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "pre_stack,100"
            "effect_string": "minthara_soul_branding",
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "broadcast_name": "minthara_debuffs_monster",
            "debuff_before_damage": true,
            "debuff_max_stacks": 5,
            "debuffing_attack_ids": [
            "soul_destroyer_upgrade_id": 15948,
            "debuff_effects": [
                    "effect_string": "minthara_increase_monster_damage,0",
                    "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(15944,0)",
                    "is_minthara_debuff": true,
                    "active_graphic_id": 24888,
                    "active_graphic_y": -120,
                    "use_stack_as_frame": true,
                    "use_stack_as_alpha": true,
                    "stack_count_debug": false,
                    "min_stack_alpha": 0.4,
                    "pre_max_stack_alpha": 0.8,
                    "stack_as_frame_offset": 0,
                    "overlay_play_mode": "stopped",
                    "bottom": false,
                    "stacks_on_reapply": true,
                    "manual_stacking": true,
                    "max_stacks": 5,
                    "stacks_multiply": true,
                    "use_collection_source": false,
                    "stack_across_effects": false
            "max_stack_expression": "HasTag(`evil`)"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 24879,
    "large_graphic_id": 24873,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "formation_circle_icon": false,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0,
        "retain_on_slot_changed": true

Oath of Vengeance Icon Oath of Vengeance (Level: 140)

Minthara provides benefits based on the number of Strife stacks she has.
3+ Strife stacks: Unyielding: Minthara increases her health by 10% for each Strife stack she has, stacking additively.
5+ Strife stacks: Piercing: Enemies affected by at least two Soul Branding stacks lose an additional armor or segmented health piece when they are attacked.
7+ Strife stacks: Scarring: When Minthara damages an enemy, she immediately applies the maximum possible number of Soul Branding stacks.
9+ Strife stacks: Nobility: Increases the base value of Noble of Menzoberranzan by 400%.

Raw Data

    "id": 15945,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 140,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2118",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Oath of Vengeance"
    "id": 2118,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Minthara provides benefits based on the number of Strife stacks she has.^3+ Strife stacks: Unyielding: Minthara increases her health by $(amount___2)% for each Strife stack she has, stacking additively.^5+ Strife stacks: Piercing: Enemies affected by at least two Soul Branding stacks lose an additional armor or segmented health piece when they are attacked.^7+ Strife stacks: Scarring: When Minthara damages an enemy, she immediately applies the maximum possible number of Soul Branding stacks.^9+ Strife stacks: Nobility: Increases the base value of Noble of Menzoberranzan by $(amount___5)%."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "apply_effects_at_stacks",
            "show_description": false,
            "apply_effect_stack_amounts": [
            "show_stacks": true,
            "stacks_are_bonus": false,
            "stacks_from_amount_func": "per_crusader",
            "target_filters": [
                    "type": "tags",
                    "tags": "evil"
            "amount_updated_listeners": [
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "active_effect_key_description_prepender": "- ",
            "active_effect_key_description_joiner": "^"
            "effect_string": "health_mult,10",
            "apply_manually": true,
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "amount_func": "add",
            "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute",
            "per_hero_expr": "HasTag(`evil`)",
            "amount_updated_listeners": [
            "override_key_desc": "Minthara increases her health by 10% for each Strife stack she has, stacking additively.",
            "show_bonus": false,
            "show_stacks": false
            "effect_string": "increase_damage_against_monster_armor_and_hits,1",
            "apply_manually": true,
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "monster_has_effect_key": "minthara_increase_monster_damage",
            "required_stacks": 2,
            "targets": [
            "override_key_desc": "Monsters affected by at least two Soul Branding stacks lose an additional armor or segmented health piece when they are attacked."
            "effect_string": "minthara_apply_max_stacks",
            "apply_manually": true,
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "override_key_desc": "When Minthara damages an enemy, she immediately applies the maximum possible number of Soul Branding stacks.",
            "show_bonus": false,
            "show_stacks": false
            "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,400,15942,0",
            "apply_manually": true,
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "override_key_desc": "Increases the base value of Noble of Menzoberranzan by 400%."
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 24878,
    "large_graphic_id": 24872,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "formation_circle_icon": false,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": false,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0

Spider's Lyre Icon Spider’s Lyre (Level: 180)

Unlocks Minthara’s Spider’s Lyre Ultimate Attack.

Raw Data

    "id": 15949,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 180,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ultimate",
    "effect": "effect_def,2122",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Spider's Lyre"
    "id": 2122,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Unlocks Minthara's Spider's Lyre Ultimate Attack"
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "minthara_ultimate",
            "skip_effect_key_desc": true,
            "max_duration": 30,
            "startup_delay": 1.2,
            "required_minthara_kills": 1,
            "knockback_effect": {
                "effect_string": "push_back_monster,10"
            "stop_spawn_effect": {
                "effect_string": "stop_spawns",
                "include_bosses": true,
                "targets": [
            "drider_data": {
                "start_pos": [
                "end_pos": [
                "move_duration": 4,
                "anim_stride": 250,
                "glow_graphic_id": 21930
            "effect_string": "set_ultimate_attack",
            "skip_effect_key_desc": true
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": false,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": false,
        "formation_circle_icon": false

Ceremorphosis Icon Ceremorphosis (Level: 200)

Your formation gains one Ceremorphosis stack due to the mind flayer tadpole in Minthara’s brain. Minthara increases the health of all other Champions by 20% of her max health, plus 2% for each Ceremorphosis stack the formation has, stacking additively.

Raw Data

    "id": 15943,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 200,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2116",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Ceremorphosis"
    "id": 2116,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Your formation gains one Ceremorphosis stack due to the mind flayer tadpole in Minthara's brain. Minthara increases the health of all other Champions by $(not_buffed amount___3)% of her max health, plus $(not_buffed amount)% for each Ceremorphosis stack the formation has, stacking additively."
    "effect_keys": [
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "effect_string": "do_nothing,2",
            "stack_func": "per_ceremorphosis_stacks",
            "amount_func": "add",
            "show_bonus": true,
            "stack_title": "Total Ceremorphosis Stacks",
            "total_title": "Ceremorphosis Stack Bonus",
            "desc_forced_order": 2,
            "listen_for_computed_changes": true,
            "amount_updated_listeners": [
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "outgoing_buffs": false,
            "effect_string": "minthara_ceremorphosis_stacks,1",
            "manual_stacking": true,
            "stacks_multiply": false,
            "show_stacks": true,
            "stack_title": "Minthara Ceremorphosis Stacks",
            "desc_forced_order": 1,
            "skip_effect_key_desc": true,
            "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute",
            "per_hero_expr": "0",
            "post_process_expr": "1 + 2*as_int(GetUpgradeUnlocked(15947))"
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "effect_string": "do_nothing,20",
            "skip_effect_key_desc": true
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "effect_string": "increase_health_by_source_percent,0",
            "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(15943,2)+max_upgrade_amount(15943,0)",
            "percent_values": false,
            "round_bonus_value": true,
            "show_current_value_bonus_desc": false,
            "use_computed_amount_for_description": true,
            "override_key_desc": "Increases the Health of $target by $amount",
            "targets": [
            "desc_forced_order": 3
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 24876,
    "large_graphic_id": 24870,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "formation_circle_icon": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 3,
        "retain_on_slot_changed": true


House Matron Icon House Matron (Level: 250)

Noble of Menzoberranzan now also grants Strife stacks for Neutral Champions in the formation (on the Good/Evil axis).

Raw Data

    "id": 15946,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 250,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2119",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "House Matron",
    "specialization_name": "House Matron",
    "specialization_description": "Minthara calls upon the ancient power of her lineage, extending her influence to encompass those that tread the line between good and evil.",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 24882
    "id": 2119,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Noble of Menzoberranzan now also grants Strife stacks for Neutral Champions in the formation (on the Good/Evil axis)."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15942,1",
            "data": {
                "filter_targets": [
                        "type": "hero_expr",
                        "hero_expr": "HasTag(`geneutral`)||HasTag(`evil`)"
            "off_when_benched": true
            "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15942,1",
            "data": {
                "per_hero_expr": "HasTag(`geneutral`)||HasTag(`evil`)"
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "skip_effect_key_desc": true
            "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15944,1",
            "data": {
                "max_stack_expression": "HasTag(`geneutral`)||HasTag(`evil`)"
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "skip_effect_key_desc": true
            "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15945,0",
            "data": {
                "target_filters": [
                        "type": "tags",
                        "tags": "evil|geneutral"
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "skip_effect_key_desc": true
            "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15945,1",
            "data": {
                "per_hero_expr": "HasTag(`geneutral`)||HasTag(`evil`)"
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "skip_effect_key_desc": true
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 24882,
    "large_graphic_id": 24882,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "formation_circle_icon": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0

Soul Destroyer Icon Soul Destroyer (Level: 250)

The maximum number of Soul Branding stacks is doubled.

Raw Data

    "id": 15948,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 250,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2121",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Soul Destroyer",
    "specialization_name": "Soul Destroyer",
    "specialization_description": "Minthara harnesses the full potential of her dark magic to inflict even greater suffering on her enemies.",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 24883
    "id": 2121,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "The maximum number of Soul Branding stacks is doubled."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "minthara_multiply_max_stacks,100",
            "off_when_benched": true
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 24883,
    "large_graphic_id": 24883,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "formation_circle_icon": false

True Soul Icon True Soul (Level: 250)

Your formation gains 2 additional Ceremorphosis stacks.

Raw Data

    "id": 15947,
    "hero_id": 154,
    "required_level": 250,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2120",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "True Soul",
    "specialization_name": "True Soul",
    "specialization_description": "Minthara draws upon the sinister power of the mind flayer tadpole within her.",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 24884
    "id": 2120,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Your formation gains 2 additional Ceremorphosis stacks."
    "effect_keys": [
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "outgoing_buffs": false,
            "effect_string": "minthara_ceremorphosis_stacks,2",
            "manual_stacking": true,
            "stacks_multiply": false,
            "desc_forced_order": 1
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 24884,
    "large_graphic_id": 24884,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "formation_circle_icon": false


Icons Slot Epic Name Effect Rusted Knife IconID: 3650Rusted KnifeStill capable, in the right hand.global_dps_multiplier_mult,10
Trusty Dagger IconID: 3651Trusty DaggerClean. Sharp. Yes, this shall serve.global_dps_multiplier_mult,65
Nightwarden's Mace IconID: 3652Nightwarden’s MaceI will crush them where they stand.global_dps_multiplier_mult,120
Xyanyde IconID: 3653XyanydeIce cold and engraved with spiderwebs.global_dps_multiplier_mult,230
1 Xyanyde All Champion Damage
Prison Footwear IconID: 3654Prison FootwearStay quiet. Maintain the element of surprise.global_dps_multiplier_mult,10
Spidersilk Slippers IconID: 3655Spidersilk SlippersThey shall not hear my approach until it is too late.global_dps_multiplier_mult,65
Tasteful Boots IconID: 3656Tasteful BootsThe leather is long-lived, like my kind.global_dps_multiplier_mult,120
Boots of Striding IconID: 3657Boots of StridingWith every step, I grow closer to my revenge.global_dps_multiplier_mult,230
2 Boots of Striding All Champion Damage
Discarded Armour IconID: 3658Discarded ArmourBroken, but not useless.health_mult,10
Matron Armour IconID: 3659Matron ArmourArmour more befitting my bearing.health_mult,30
Spidersilk Armour IconID: 3660Spidersilk ArmourComfort and elegance, yet formidably fearsome.health_mult,50
Magical Studded Leather IconID: 3661Magical Studded LeatherSomewhat gaudy, but pronounced in its practicality.health_mult,100
3 Magical Studded Leather Health
Faded Clothes IconID: 3662Faded ClothesThis old thing must do for now.buff_upgrade,25,15942,1
Drow Silk Vestments IconID: 3663Drow Silk VestmentsEase of mobility is paramount in the Underdark.buff_upgrade,87.5,15942,1
Drow Leather Gloves IconID: 3664Drow Leather GlovesLizard hide is both supple and flexible.buff_upgrade,150,15942,1
House Baenre Signet Ring IconID: 3665House Baenre Signet RingMenzoberranzan’s most ancient and powerful House.buff_upgrade,275,15942,1
4 House Baenre Signet Ring Noble of Menzoberranzan
Tattered Emblem IconID: 3666Tattered EmblemThis marking is familiar to me.buff_upgrade,25,15944,0
Mark of the Absolute IconID: 3667Mark of the AbsoluteMy enemies shall know my wrath.buff_upgrade,87.5,15944,0
Captured Illithid Tadpole IconID: 3668Captured Illithid TadpoleThe source of a terrible yet intriguing power.buff_upgrade,150,15944,0
Orin's Netherstone IconID: 3669Orin’s NetherstoneMy vengeance, writ in blood.buff_upgrade,275,15944,0
5 Orin’s Netherstone Soul Branding (Prestack)
Broken Moonlantern IconID: 3670Broken MoonlanternThis bauble is incapable of providing any aid.reduce_ultimate_cooldown,9
Moonlantern IconID: 3671MoonlanternSufficient protection against the Shadow Curse.reduce_ultimate_cooldown,18
Spider's Lyre IconID: 3672Spider’s LyreThe creature will come when called.reduce_ultimate_cooldown,35
Amulet of Lolth IconID: 3673Amulet of LolthMay the Spider Queen guide my blade, should I be worthy.reduce_ultimate_cooldown,85
6 Amulet of Lolth Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
Cap: 501 dull / 251 shiny / 126 golden.

Item Names and Descriptions

Slot 1:
             Rusted Knife: Still capable, in the right hand.
            Trusty Dagger: Clean. Sharp. Yes, this shall serve.
       Nightwarden's Mace: I will crush them where they stand.
                  Xyanyde: Ice cold and engraved with spiderwebs.

Slot 2:
          Prison Footwear: Stay quiet. Maintain the element of surprise.
      Spidersilk Slippers: They shall not hear my approach until it is too late.
           Tasteful Boots: The leather is long-lived, like my kind.
        Boots of Striding: With every step, I grow closer to my revenge.

Slot 3:
         Discarded Armour: Broken, but not useless.
            Matron Armour: Armour more befitting my bearing.
        Spidersilk Armour: Comfort and elegance, yet formidably fearsome.
  Magical Studded Leather: Somewhat gaudy, but pronounced in its practicality.

Slot 4:
            Faded Clothes: This old thing must do for now.
      Drow Silk Vestments: Ease of mobility is paramount in the Underdark.
      Drow Leather Gloves: Lizard hide is both supple and flexible.
 House Baenre Signet Ring: Menzoberranzan's most ancient and powerful House.

Slot 5:
          Tattered Emblem: This marking is familiar to me.
     Mark of the Absolute: My enemies shall know my wrath.
Captured Illithid Tadpole: The source of a terrible yet intriguing power.
       Orin's Netherstone: My vengeance, writ in blood.

Slot 6:
       Broken Moonlantern: This bauble is incapable of providing any aid.
              Moonlantern: Sufficient protection against the Shadow Curse.
            Spider's Lyre: The creature will come when called.
          Amulet of Lolth: May the Spider Queen guide my blade, should I be worthy.


This list will only show feats that are going to be available on the release of this champion. The separate Feats page may show others that could be available later if they exist.

Feat Effect Source Selflessness IconID: 1956Selflessness (Minthara)Only the most deserving are granted my aid.global_dps_multiplier_mult,10Selflessness 10% All Champion Damage Free Inspiring Leader IconID: 1957Inspiring Leader (Minthara)Obey my command, and we shall win the day.global_dps_multiplier_mult,25Inspiring Leader 25% All Champion Damage Gold Chest Tough IconID: 1958Tough (Minthara)The Underdark breeds fine warriors, by necessity.health_mult,15Tough 15% Health Free Resilient IconID: 1959Resilient (Minthara)They tried to break me. And yet, I persist.health_mult,30Resilient 30% Health Gold Chest Defensive Duelist IconID: 1960Defensive Duelist (Minthara)Watch for an opening, then strike without hesitation.overwhelm_start_increase,5Defensive Duelist +5 Overwhelm Free Calm Under Pressure IconID: 1961Calm Under Pressure (Minthara)Panic’s home is within our enemy, not our hearts.overwhelm_start_increase,10Calm Under Pressure +10 Overwhelm 12,500 Gems Drow Noble IconID: 1962Drow Noble (Minthara)I am a daughter of House Baenre. I lived a life of privilege and danger.buff_upgrade,20,15942,1Drow Noble 20% Noble of Menzoberranzan Free Drow Survivor IconID: 1963Drow Survivor (Minthara)I enjoyed every luxury, and survived my first assassination attempt as a babe.buff_upgrade,40,15942,1Drow Survivor 40% Noble of Menzoberranzan 12,500 Gems Daughter of House Baenre IconID: 1964Daughter of House Baenre (Minthara)Do you still dare to cross me?buff_upgrade,80,15942,1Daughter of House Baenre 80% Noble of Menzoberranzan 50,000 Gems Compelling Strife IconID: 1965Compelling Strife (Minthara)I do not have violent urges. I have violent intentions.buff_upgrade,40,15944,0Compelling Strife 40% Soul Branding (Prestack) Gold Chest Nightwarden's Oath IconID: 1972Nightwarden’s Oath (Minthara)They broke my mind. We are going to break them back.buff_upgrade,80,15945,4Nightwarden’s Oath 80% Oath of Vengeance (Prestack) Event Bonus


DPS Applicable

     Arkhan: 4 / 6
    Asharra: 4 / 6
      Azaka: 5 / 6
   Birdsong: 5 / 6
Black Viper: 5 / 6
      Bobby: 4 / 6
 Catti-brie: 5 / 6
     D'hani: 5 / 6
  Dark Urge: 4 / 6
     Delina: 6 / 6
    Dhadius: 3 / 6
     Drizzt: 5 / 6
    Farideh: 5 / 6
        Fen: 6 / 6
      Grimm: 3 / 6
       Ishi: 5 / 6
    Jaheira: 5 / 6
    Jamilah: 5 / 6
   Jarlaxle: 5 / 6
        Jim: 4 / 6
    Karlach: 5 / 6
        Kas: 4 / 6
       Kent: 4 / 6
      Krond: 3 / 6
       Krux: 4 / 6
    Lae'zel: 5 / 6
     Lucius: 5 / 6
      Makos: 3 / 6
      Minsc: 3 / 6
      NERDS: 3 / 6
      Nixie: 5 / 6
     Orisha: 5 / 6
   Prudence: 4 / 6
      Rosie: 5 / 6
      Strix: 4 / 6
    Torogar: 4 / 6
     Warden: 4 / 6
    Warduke: 3 / 6
     Yorven: 4 / 6
      Zorbu: 4 / 6

Non-DPS Applicable

          Aeon: 4 / 6
          Aila: 6 / 6
       Alyndra: 6 / 6
       Antrius: 4 / 6
      Astarion: 5 / 6
         Avren: 4 / 6
       Baeloth: 5 / 6
      Barrowin: 4 / 6
        Beadle: 4 / 6
       Blooshi: 5 / 6
          Briv: 4 / 6
       Bruenor: 3 / 6
      Calliope: 5 / 6
       Celeste: 4 / 6
     Certainty: 4 / 6
       Corazón: 4 / 6
        Deekin: 4 / 6
       Desmond: 4 / 6
         Diana: 5 / 6
           Dob: 4 / 6
        Donaar: 3 / 6
    Dragonbait: 4 / 6
Dungeon Master: 4 / 6
        Egbert: 4 / 6
      Ellywick: 5 / 6
       Evandra: 4 / 6
        Evelyn: 5 / 6
     Ezmerelda: 5 / 6
        Freely: 4 / 6
          Gale: 4 / 6
       Gazrick: 3 / 6
       Havilar: 5 / 6
      Hew Maan: 4 / 6
         Hitch: 4 / 6
         Imoen: 5 / 6
      Jang Sao: 5 / 6
      K'thriss: 5 / 6
         Korth: 4 / 6
         Krull: 4 / 6
        Krydle: 4 / 6
       Lazaapz: 5 / 6
          Melf: 5 / 6
      Merilwen: 6 / 6
      Minthara: 6 / 6
         Miria: 6 / 6
        Môrgæn: 6 / 6
         Nerys: 5 / 6
        Nordom: 4 / 6
          Nova: 5 / 6
         Nrakk: 4 / 6
        Orkira: 5 / 6
       Paultin: 4 / 6
      Penelope: 5 / 6
        Presto: 3 / 6
         Pwent: 4 / 6
        Qillek: 4 / 6
     Ravengard: 4 / 6
         Regis: 4 / 6
          Reya: 4 / 6
          Rust: 4 / 6
        Selise: 4 / 6
        Sentry: 4 / 6
     Sgt. Knox: 3 / 6
   Shadowheart: 5 / 6
         Shaka: 4 / 6
       Shandie: 5 / 6
      Sisaspia: 5 / 6
        Solaak: 4 / 6
         Stoki: 5 / 6
   Strongheart: 3 / 6
         Talin: 4 / 6
       Tatyana: 5 / 6
      Thellora: 4 / 6
        Turiel: 3 / 6
         Tyril: 4 / 6
       Ulkoria: 5 / 6
       Umberto: 3 / 6
         Uriah: 3 / 6
     Valentine: 5 / 6
            Vi: 4 / 6
       Viconia: 6 / 6
      Vin Ursa: 5 / 6
        Virgil: 4 / 6
       Vlahnya: 6 / 6
      Voronika: 6 / 6
        Walnut: 6 / 6
        Widdle: 5 / 6
       Wulfgar: 4 / 6
          Wyll: 4 / 6
        Xander: 4 / 6
      Xerophon: 4 / 6

Adventures and Variants

Unlock Adventure: The Crypt of Legends (Minthara) (Complete Area 50)

Pay respects to the heroes of olde during the Feast of the Moon.

Ex-True Soul of the Absolute Icon Variant 1: Ex-True Soul of the Absolute (Complete Area 75)

Minthara starts in the formation. She can be moved, but not removed.
You may only use Evil and/or Neutral Champions.
Getting to Know Minthara: Minthara works well with Evil Champions, and a specialization choice extends that to include Neutral Champions.

Moonrise Escape Icon Variant 2: Moonrise Escape (Complete Area 125)

Minthara starts in the formation. She can be moved, but not removed.
You may not use tanking Champions other than Minthara.
One Zealot of the Absolute with 8 armored health spawns with each wave. They don’t drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
Getting to Know Minthara: Minthara is a Tanking Champion that can help cut through enemies with armored or segmented health. Increase her Strife stacks to 5 or more to make it even easier!

Brand Value Icon Variant 3: Brand Value (Complete Area 175)

Minthara starts in the formation with her Soul Branding ability unlocked. She can be moved, but not removed.
Enemies that don’t have an active debuff reduce all normal attack damage to just 1 point of damage.
Getting to Know Minthara: Minthara debuffs enemies with each attack. Use her and other debuffing Champions to cut through these pesky foes!

Other Champion Images

Minthara Console PortraitConsole Portrait Minthara Gold Chest IconGold Chest Icon Minthara Silver Chest IconSilver Chest Icon

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Last Modified: 2025-02-22 14:18:09 +0000