Spoilers for Idle Champions
Eric is the Cavalier of the group of friends trapped in the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons. Known for his sarcasm and frequent cowardice, he’s often the butt of jokes. Yet, when danger strikes, Eric’s bravery emerges, and he uses his magical shield to protect his friends. Despite his complaints and fears, his loyalty and courage make him an essential part of the group’s quest to find their way home.
Eric will be a new champion in the Wintershield event on 1 January 2025.
Seat: 4 Stat Value Day 1 Trials Patrons Species: Human Strength: 13 Yes Mirt Class: Fighter Dexterity: 12 Yes Vajra Roles: Support / Tanking / Gold / Control Constitution: 14 Yes Strahd (with Feat) Age: 15 Intelligence: 11 Yes - Gender: Male Wisdom: 10 Yes Elminster Alignment: Neutral Good Charisma: 9 - Affiliation: Saturday Morning Squad Total: 69 Champion ID: 157
Base Attack: Forceful Bash (Melee)
Eric hits the closest enemy with his shield, dealing one hit and knocking them back a short distance.
Cooldown: 6.5s (Cap 1.625s)
{ "id": 824, "name": "Forceful Bash", "description": "Eric knocks back the closest enemy with a hit from his shield.", "long_description": "Eric hits the closest enemy with his shield, dealing one hit and knocking them back a short distance.", "graphic_id": 0, "target": "front", "num_targets": 1, "aoe_radius": 0, "damage_modifier": 1, "cooldown": 6.5, "animations": [ { "type": "melee_attack", "target_offset_x": -45, "damage_frame": 10, "jump_sound": 30, "sound_frames": { "10": 154 }, "effects_on_monsters": [ { "effect_string": "push_back_monster,10", "animation": "hit", "after_damage": true } ] } ], "tags": [ "melee" ], "damage_types": [ "melee" ] }
Ultimate Attack: Protective Field (Level: 0)
Eric’s shield projects a powerful force field, dealing 1 ultimate hit to all monsters while protecting the Champions from all damage for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 600s (Cap 150s)
{ "id": 825, "name": "Protective Field", "description": "A field from Eric's shield knocks back enemies and protects the Champions for 10 seconds.", "long_description": "Eric's shield projects a powerful force field, dealing 1 ultimate hit to all monsters while protecting the Champions from all damage for 10 seconds.", "graphic_id": 25267, "target": "none", "num_targets": 0, "aoe_radius": 0, "damage_modifier": 0.03, "cooldown": 600, "animations": [ { "type": "ultimate_attack", "ultimate": "eric" } ], "tags": [ "magic", "ultimate" ], "damage_types": [ "magic" ] }
Cavalier’s Code (Level: 100)
Eric increases the effect of his Trait specialization choice and the party’s Gold Find by 20% for each enemy that has spawned in the current area, stacking multiplicatively up to 100 enemies. Boss enemies count as 25 enemies for this ability.
{ "id": 16129, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 100, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability", "effect": "effect_def,2159", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Cavalier's Code", "tip_text": "Eric's first specialization choice buffs different areas of the formation, and his Cavalier's Code increases these buffs and gold find as enemies spawn." } { "id": 2159, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Eric increases the effect of his Trait specialization choice and the party's Gold Find by $(not_buffed amount)% for each enemy that has spawned in the current area, stacking multiplicatively up to $max_stacks enemies. Boss enemies count as 25 enemies for this ability." }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "buff_upgrades,20,16134,16135,16136", "show_bonus": true, "amount_func": "mult", "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute", "post_process_expr": "normal_monsters_spawned + 25*boss_monsters_spawned", "limit": 100, "max_stacks": 100, "amount_updated_listeners": [ "monster_spawned" ] }, { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "gold_multiplier_mult,20", "amount_func": "mult", "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute", "post_process_expr": "normal_monsters_spawned + 25*boss_monsters_spawned", "limit": 100, "max_stacks": 100, "amount_updated_listeners": [ "monster_spawned" ] } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25257, "large_graphic_id": 25253, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": false, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true } }
Shield of the Cavalier (Level: 190)
Eric increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of his max health, and when any Champion in the formation gains temporary health, the amount gained is increased by 100%.
{ "id": 16130, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 190, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability", "effect": "effect_def,2160", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Shield of the Cavalier" } { "id": 2160, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Eric increases the health of all other Champions by $amount% of his max health, and when any Champion in the formation gains temporary health, the amount gained is increased by $(amount___2)%." }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "increase_health_by_source_percent,25", "targets": [ "other" ] }, { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "temp_health_mult,100", "targets": [ "all" ], "skip_effect_key_desc": true } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25260, "large_graphic_id": 25256, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "default_bonus_index": 1, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true } }
Protective Field (Level: 240)
Unlocks Eric’s Protective Field Ultimate Attack.
{ "id": 16140, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 240, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "unlock_ultimate", "effect": "effect_def,2172", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Protective Field" } { "id": 2172, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Unlocks Eric's Protective Field Ultimate Attack" }, "effect_keys": [ { "effect_string": "eric_ult", "duration": 10, "push_amount": 1000 }, { "apply_manually": true, "effect_string": "damage_reduction,100", "targets": [ "all" ] }, { "effect_string": "set_ultimate_attack" } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 0, "large_graphic_id": 25267, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "formation_circle_icon": false, "show_outgoing_desc_when_benched": false } }
Preferred Target (Level: 300)
All Ranged and Magic attacking enemies target Eric before any other Champion in the formation.
{ "id": 16131, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 300, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability", "effect": "effect_def,2161", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Preferred Target" } { "id": 2161, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "All Ranged and Magic attacking enemies target Eric before any other Champion in the formation." }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "damage_type_taunt,ranged,magic" } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25259, "large_graphic_id": 25255, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": false, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true } }
Keep Away (Level: 350)
For the first 60 seconds in any area, Eric increases the distance of all knockback effects by 100%.
{ "id": 16132, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 350, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability", "effect": "effect_def,2162", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Keep Away" } { "id": 2162, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "For the first $amount seconds in any area, Eric increases the distance of all knockback effects by $(amount___2)%.", "post": { "conditions": [ { "condition": "not static_desc", "desc": "$eric_keep_away_desc" } ] } }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "effect_duration,60" }, { "off_when_benched": true, "apply_manually": true, "effect_string": "push_back_mult,100" } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25258, "large_graphic_id": 25254, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": false, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "default_bonus_index": 0, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true } }
Corrupted Gem Scavenger (Level: 410)
Eric can help scavenge up to 5000 additional Corrupted Gems when killing bosses. While this cap is not reached, Eric has a 100% chance of scavenging 10 Corrupted Gems each time a boss is defeated. The cap increases by 150 every day.
{ "id": 16133, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 410, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability", "effect": "effect_def,2163", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Corrupted Gem Scavenger", "tip_text": "Eric has a chance to uncover Corrupted Gems with each defeated boss, with a cap that increases every day." } { "id": 2163, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Eric can help scavenge up to $(current_scavenge_cap eric_corrupted_gem_scavenger floor) additional Corrupted Gems when killing bosses. While this cap is not reached, Eric has a $amount% chance of scavenging $amount_per_drop Corrupted Gems each time a boss is defeated. The cap increases by $cap_increase_per_day every day.", "post": { "conditions": [ { "condition": "not static_desc", "desc": "^^Corrupted Gems Scavenged: $(stat_value eric_corrupted_gems_collected 0 none) ($(stat_value eric_corrupted_gems_collected_this_adventure 1 none) this adventure)" } ] } }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "scavenge_items,100", "id": "eric_corrupted_gem_scavenger", "item_type": "corrupted_gems", "initial_cap": 5000, "cap_increase_per_day": 150, "start_date": "2024-09-04 12:00:00", "total_collected_stat": "eric_corrupted_gems_collected", "adventure_collected_stat": "eric_corrupted_gems_collected_this_adventure", "upgrade_id": 16133, "amount_per_drop": 10 } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 0, "large_graphic_id": 0, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": false, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true } }
Trait: Cautious (Level: 30)
Eric increases the damage of all Champions by 100%, increased by 100% for each column they are in front of him, stacking multiplicatively.
Upgrades: 130: 100% 220: 100% 400: 100% 620: 100% 830: 100% 1,050: 100% 1,210: 100% 1,410: 100% 1,590: 100% 1,780: 100% 1,970: 100% 2,160: 100% 2,350: 100% 2,540: 100% 2,720: 100% 2,900: 100% 3,050: 100% 3,290: 100% 3,480: 100% 3,680: 100% Total Upgrade Bonus: 1.05e08%
{ "id": 16134, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 30, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": null, "effect": "effect_def,2164", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Trait: Cautious", "specialization_name": "Trait: Cautious", "specialization_description": "Eric prefers to hang out at the back of the formation due to his cautious nature.", "specialization_graphic_id": 25262 } { "id": 2164, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Eric increases the damage of all Champions by $(amount)%, increased by $(amount___2)% for each column they are in front of him, stacking multiplicatively." }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "base_amount,100" }, { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "additional_amount,100" }, { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "hero_dps_multiplier_mult,0", "amount_func": "eric_trait", "base_amount_idx": 0, "additional_amount_idx": 1, "additional_per_column": "ahead", "targets": [ "all" ], "use_computed_amount_for_description": true, "show_bonus": true } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25262, "large_graphic_id": 25262, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "default_bonus_index": 0, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true } } { "id": 16143, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 130, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16426, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 220, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16429, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 400, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16432, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 620, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16434, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 830, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16437, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1050, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16439, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1210, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16442, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1410, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16444, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1590, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16446, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1780, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16448, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1970, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16451, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2160, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16453, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2350, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16455, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2540, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16457, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2720, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16460, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2900, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16462, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3050, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16465, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3290, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16468, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3480, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16469, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3680, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" }
Trait: Brave (Level: 30)
Eric increases the damage of all Champions by 100%, increased by 100% for each column they are behind him, stacking multiplicatively.
Upgrades: 130: 100% 220: 100% 400: 100% 620: 100% 830: 100% 1,050: 100% 1,210: 100% 1,410: 100% 1,590: 100% 1,780: 100% 1,970: 100% 2,160: 100% 2,350: 100% 2,540: 100% 2,720: 100% 2,900: 100% 3,050: 100% 3,290: 100% 3,480: 100% 3,680: 100% Total Upgrade Bonus: 1.05e08%
{ "id": 16135, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 30, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": null, "effect": "effect_def,2165", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Trait: Brave", "specialization_name": "Trait: Brave", "specialization_description": "Eric reluctantly leads from the front, supporting his allies in the place he can best protect them with his shield.", "specialization_graphic_id": 25261 } { "id": 2165, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Eric increases the damage of all Champions by $(amount)%, increased by $(amount___2)% for each column they are behind him, stacking multiplicatively." }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "base_amount,100" }, { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "additional_amount,100" }, { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "hero_dps_multiplier_mult,0", "amount_func": "eric_trait", "base_amount_idx": 0, "additional_amount_idx": 1, "additional_per_column": "behind", "targets": [ "all" ], "use_computed_amount_for_description": true } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25261, "large_graphic_id": 25261, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "default_bonus_index": 0, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true } } { "id": 16143, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 130, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16426, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 220, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16429, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 400, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16432, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 620, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16434, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 830, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16437, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1050, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16439, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1210, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16442, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1410, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16444, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1590, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16446, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1780, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16448, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1970, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16451, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2160, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16453, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2350, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16455, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2540, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16457, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2720, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16460, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2900, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16462, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3050, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16465, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3290, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16468, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3480, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16469, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3680, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" }
Trait: Sarcastic (Level: 30)
Eric increases the damage of adjacent Champions by 600%.
Upgrades: 130: 100% 220: 100% 400: 100% 620: 100% 830: 100% 1,050: 100% 1,210: 100% 1,410: 100% 1,590: 100% 1,780: 100% 1,970: 100% 2,160: 100% 2,350: 100% 2,540: 100% 2,720: 100% 2,900: 100% 3,050: 100% 3,290: 100% 3,480: 100% 3,680: 100% Total Upgrade Bonus: 1.05e08%
{ "id": 16136, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 30, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": null, "effect": "effect_def,2166", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Trait: Sarcastic", "specialization_name": "Trait: Sarcastic", "specialization_description": "Eric's sarcastic wit will inevitably lead him into trouble.", "specialization_graphic_id": 25263 } { "id": 2166, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Eric increases the damage of adjacent Champions by $amount%." }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "hero_dps_multiplier_mult,600", "targets": [ "adj" ] } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25263, "large_graphic_id": 25263, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true } } { "id": 16143, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 130, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16426, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 220, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16429, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 400, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16432, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 620, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16434, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 830, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16437, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1050, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16439, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1210, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16442, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1410, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16444, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1590, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16446, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1780, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16448, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 1970, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16451, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2160, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16453, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2350, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16455, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2540, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16457, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2720, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16460, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 2900, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16462, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3050, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16465, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3290, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16468, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3480, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" } { "id": 16469, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 3680, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability", "effect": "buff_upgrades,100,16134,16135,16136", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "" }
Unassuming Force (Level: 470)
Eric increases the damage bonus of his Trait specialization choice by 100% for each Champion in the formation with a total ability score of 78 or less, stacking multiplicatively.
ⓘ Note: This ability is prestack.
{ "id": 16137, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 470, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": null, "effect": "effect_def,2167", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Unassuming Force", "specialization_name": "Unassuming Force", "specialization_description": "Eric amplifies the hidden potential of those with unassuming abilities.", "specialization_graphic_id": 25265 } { "id": 2167, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Eric increases the damage bonus of his Trait specialization choice by $amount% for each Champion in the formation with a total ability score of 78 or less, stacking multiplicatively." }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "pre_stack,100" }, { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "buff_upgrades,0,16134,16135,16136", "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(16137,0)", "amount_func": "mult", "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute", "per_hero_expr": "GetStat(`total_ability_score`) <= 78", "show_bonus": true, "amount_updated_listeners": [ "slot_changed", "ability_score_changed" ] } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25265, "large_graphic_id": 25265, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": false, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "default_bonus_index": 0, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true, "spec_option_post_apply_info": "Champions in Formation Targeted: $num_stacks___2" } }
Youthful Valor (Level: 470)
Eric increases the damage bonus of his Trait specialization choice by 100% for each Champion in the formation with an age of 20 or less, stacking multiplicatively.
ⓘ Note: This ability is prestack.
{ "id": 16138, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 470, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": null, "effect": "effect_def,2168", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Youthful Valor", "specialization_name": "Youthful Valor", "specialization_description": "Eric thrives alongside Champions who share the vitality of youth.", "specialization_graphic_id": 25266 } { "id": 2168, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Eric increases the damage bonus of his Trait specialization choice by $amount% for each Champion in the formation with an age of 20 or less, stacking multiplicatively." }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "pre_stack,100" }, { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "buff_upgrades,0,16134,16135,16136", "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(16138,0)", "amount_func": "mult", "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute", "per_hero_expr": "age <= 20 && hero_id != 146", "show_bonus": true, "amount_updated_listeners": [ "slot_changed" ] } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25266, "large_graphic_id": 25266, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": false, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "default_bonus_index": 0, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true, "spec_option_post_apply_info": "Champions in Formation Targeted: $num_stacks___2" } }
Treasure Hunters (Level: 470)
Eric increases the damage bonus of his Trait specialization choice by 100% for each Champion in the formation with the Gold Find role, stacking multiplicatively.
ⓘ Note: This ability is prestack.
{ "id": 16139, "hero_id": 157, "required_level": 470, "required_upgrade_id": 0, "upgrade_type": null, "effect": "effect_def,2169", "static_dps_mult": null, "default_enabled": 1, "name": "Treasure Hunters", "specialization_name": "Treasure Hunters", "specialization_description": "Eric excels alongside Champions who seek both riches and glory.", "specialization_graphic_id": 25264 } { "id": 2169, "flavour_text": "", "description": { "desc": "Eric increases the damage bonus of his Trait specialization choice by $amount% for each Champion in the formation with the Gold Find role, stacking multiplicatively." }, "effect_keys": [ { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "pre_stack,100" }, { "off_when_benched": true, "effect_string": "buff_upgrades,0,16134,16135,16136", "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(16139,0)", "amount_func": "mult", "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute", "per_hero_expr": "HasTag(`gold`)", "show_bonus": true, "amount_updated_listeners": [ "slot_changed" ] } ], "requirements": "", "graphic_id": 25264, "large_graphic_id": 25264, "properties": { "is_formation_ability": true, "formation_circle_icon": false, "owner_use_outgoing_description": true, "default_bonus_index": 0, "indexed_effect_properties": true, "per_effect_index_bonuses": true, "spec_option_post_apply_info": "Champions in Formation Targeted: $num_stacks___2" } }
Epic Name
ID: 3722Last Season’s FashionI’ll just throw this out tomorrow.
allow_ge:trueID: 3723Trendy ClothesI always dress to impress.
allow_ge:trueID: 3724Cavalier’s GambesonHow did Dungeon Master know yellow is my color?
allow_ge:trueID: 3725Garb of PowerHey, nice threads! Now, what would Dungeon Master say?
Garb of Power
All Champion Damage
allow_ge:trueID: 3726Costume ArmorCheap and fake, but looks real enough.
allow_ge:falseID: 3727Gauntlets & GreavesReal steel is real heavy!
allow_ge:falseID: 3728Masterwork ChainmailVenger’s goons can’t hurt me now!
allow_ge:falseID: 3729Cavalier’s BreastplateNot even Tiamat can melt this metal!
Cavalier’s Breastplate
allow_ge:falseID: 3730Dad’s Old BeltNot another hand-me-down!
allow_ge:falseID: 3731Everyday BeltOf course it’s a designer brand.
allow_ge:falseID: 3732Cavalier’s Amber BeltIt really ties the whole outfit together. Get it?
allow_ge:falseID: 3733Griffon Crest GirdleSee how it glows? That’s how you know it’s good.
Griffon Crest Girdle
All First Specialisations
allow_ge:falseID: 3734Leftover Fun MoneyI need more allowance!
allow_ge:falseID: 3735Fistful of DollarsWhat I wouldn’t give for a few dollars more!
allow_ge:falseID: 3736Bag of Gold CoinsIt’s a good start. Now let’s find some more!
allow_ge:falseID: 3737King’s RansomIf I’m going to be trapped in this world, why not be trapped in style?
King’s Ransom
Cavalier’s Code
allow_ge:falseID: 3738Tattered CapeThat’s the last time I let Bobby borrow anything.
allow_ge:falseID: 3739Adventurer’s CapeDoes this make me look heroic?
allow_ge:falseID: 3740Cloak of the CavalierI can be courageous when it counts. I’ll show you!
allow_ge:falseID: 3741Magnificent MantleThat’s what I call luxury! I look like a million bucks!
Magnificent Mantle
All Second Specialisations (Prestack)
allow_ge:falseID: 3742Trash Can LidOh, great. What am I supposed to do with this old thing?
allow_ge:falseID: 3743Trusty Trash TargeWhatever works, I guess. Now get behind me!
allow_ge:falseID: 3744Magic ShieldHey, no fair! Dungeon Master gave the others way better stuff!
allow_ge:falseID: 3745Shield of the CavalierI’ll always protect my friends. Just don’t tell them I said that.
Shield of the Cavalier
Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
Cap: 501 dull / 251 shiny / 126 golden.
Slot 1: Last Season's Fashion: I'll just throw this out tomorrow. Trendy Clothes: I always dress to impress. Cavalier's Gambeson: How did Dungeon Master know yellow is my color? Garb of Power: Hey, nice threads! Now, what would Dungeon Master say? Slot 2: Costume Armor: Cheap and fake, but looks real enough. Gauntlets & Greaves: Real steel is real heavy! Masterwork Chainmail: Venger's goons can't hurt me now! Cavalier's Breastplate: Not even Tiamat can melt this metal! Slot 3: Dad's Old Belt: Not another hand-me-down! Everyday Belt: Of course it's a designer brand. Cavalier's Amber Belt: It really ties the whole outfit together. Get it? Griffon Crest Girdle: See how it glows? That's how you know it's good. Slot 4: Leftover Fun Money: I need more allowance! Fistful of Dollars: What I wouldn't give for a few dollars more! Bag of Gold Coins: It's a good start. Now let's find some more! King's Ransom: If I'm going to be trapped in this world, why not be trapped in style? Slot 5: Tattered Cape: That's the last time I let Bobby borrow anything. Adventurer's Cape: Does this make me look heroic? Cloak of the Cavalier: I can be courageous when it counts. I'll show you! Magnificent Mantle: That's what I call luxury! I look like a million bucks! Slot 6: Trash Can Lid: Oh, great. What am I supposed to do with this old thing? Trusty Trash Targe: Whatever works, I guess. Now get behind me! Magic Shield: Hey, no fair! Dungeon Master gave the others way better stuff! Shield of the Cavalier: I'll always protect my friends. Just don't tell them I said that.
This list will only show feats that are going to be available on the release of this champion. The separate Feats page may show others that could be available later if they exist.
ID: 2023Selflessness (Eric)Okay, okay. I’ll help! And I won’t even ask for a reward this time.
10% All Champion Damage
ID: 2024Inspiring Leader (Eric)Don’t worry, guys. The old Cavalier knows what he’s doing.
Inspiring Leader
25% All Champion Damage
12,500 Gems
ID: 2025Frugal (Eric)My folks always say you have to save money to make money.
10% Gold
ID: 2026Lucky (Eric)Hey, those monsters dropped treasure! Don’t mind if I do!
25% Gold
12,500 Gems
ID: 2027Tough (Eric)It’ll take more than that to keep me down!
15% Health
ID: 2028Resilient (Eric)When the going gets tough, the tough get tougher!
30% Health
12,500 Gems
ID: 2029Defensive Duelist (Eric)These baddies mean business! Stay close, guys!
Defensive Duelist
+5 Overwhelm
ID: 2030Calm Under Pressure (Eric)I just have to stay cool and don’t panic. Easier said than done.
Calm Under Pressure
+10 Overwhelm
12,500 Gems
ID: 2031Humble Strength (Eric)Just don’t expect me to fight a dragon, okay?
Humble Strength
20% Cavalier’s Code
ID: 2032Hidden Potential (Eric)There’s more to me than just a fancy shield, you know.
Hidden Potential
40% Cavalier’s Code
Gold Chest
ID: 2034Prolonged Push (Eric)You guys handle the fighting. I’ll stay back here and hold them off!
Prolonged Push
80% Duration Keep Away
Emergence 10
ID: 2036Cowardly Commander (Eric)Stand where I tell you to and we just might survive!
Cowardly Commander
20% All First Specialisations
ID: 2037Opportunistic Bravado (Eric)It’s not my fault if we lose, but I’ll take the credit if we win.
Opportunistic Bravado
40% All First Specialisations
Gold Chest
ID: 2038Cavalier Approach (Eric)I have a strategy! It’s called Don’t Get Hit!
Cavalier Approach
80% All First Specialisations
Event Bonus
buff_upgrade,80,16135,1ID: 2039Misplaced Confidence (Eric)Venger! Don’t worry, guys. I’ll hold off this hornhead myself.
Misplaced Confidence
40% All Second Specialisations (Prestack)
Gold Chest
ID: 2040Friendly Resolve (Eric)We’ll all make it back home one way or another, and we’ll do it together.
Friendly Resolve
80% All Second Specialisations (Prestack)
50,000 Gems
ID: 2041Scholar (Eric)See? I’m smarter than I look. Now let’s follow MY plan for once.
Stat: +2 Intelligence
Event Bonus
Arkhan: 4 / 6 Artemis: 5 / 6 Asharra: 3 / 6 Azaka: 5 / 6 Beadle & Grimm: 6 / 6 Binwin: 4 / 6 Birdsong: 4 / 6 Black Viper: 5 / 6 Bobby: 6 / 6 Catti-brie: 6 / 6 D'hani: 5 / 6 Dark Urge: 4 / 6 Delina: 5 / 6 Dhadius: 4 / 6 Drizzt: 5 / 6 Farideh: 5 / 6 Fen: 4 / 6 Grimm: 6 / 6 Gromma: 3 / 6 Jaheira: 4 / 6 Jamilah: 5 / 6 Jim: 4 / 6 Kas: 5 / 6 Krond: 4 / 6 Lae'zel: 4 / 6 Lucius: 4 / 6 Makos: 3 / 6 Minsc: 6 / 6 NERDS: 4 / 6 Nahara: 4 / 6 Nixie: 4 / 6 Orisha: 4 / 6 Prudence: 4 / 6 Rosie: 5 / 6 Strix: 5 / 6 Torogar: 4 / 6 Warden: 4 / 6 Warduke: 5 / 6 Wren: 5 / 6 Yorven: 4 / 6 Zorbu: 5 / 6
Aeon: 3 / 6 Aila: 4 / 6 Alyndra: 4 / 6 Astarion: 4 / 6 Avren: 4 / 6 BBEG: 3 / 6 Barrowin: 5 / 6 Beadle: 4 / 6 Blooshi: 4 / 6 Brig: 6 / 6 Briv: 5 / 6 Bruenor: 4 / 6 Calliope: 5 / 6 Celeste: 5 / 6 Certainty: 5 / 6 Corazón: 5 / 6 Deekin: 4 / 6 Diana: 6 / 6 Dob: 5 / 6 Donaar: 4 / 6 Dragonbait: 5 / 6 Dungeon Master: 6 / 6 Dynaheir: 6 / 6 Egbert: 5 / 6 Ellywick: 4 / 6 Eric: 6 / 6 Evandra: 4 / 6 Evelyn: 6 / 6 Ezmerelda: 6 / 6 Freely: 4 / 6 Gale: 5 / 6 Gazrick: 4 / 6 Halsin: 5 / 6 Havilar: 5 / 6 Hew Maan: 5 / 6 Hitch: 6 / 6 Imoen: 6 / 6 Jang Sao: 3 / 6 K'thriss: 3 / 6 Korth: 4 / 6 Krull: 4 / 6 Krydle: 5 / 6 Lazaapz: 4 / 6 Mehen: 4 / 6 Melf: 5 / 6 Merilwen: 4 / 6 Minthara: 4 / 6 Miria: 4 / 6 Môrgæn: 4 / 6 Nayeli: 6 / 6 Nerys: 6 / 6 Nordom: 4 / 6 Nova: 5 / 6 Nrakk: 4 / 6 Omin: 3 / 6 Orkira: 5 / 6 Penelope: 5 / 6 Presto: 5 / 6 Pwent: 5 / 6 Qillek: 5 / 6 Ravengard: 5 / 6 Regis: 4 / 6 Reya: 6 / 6 Rust: 4 / 6 Selise: 5 / 6 Sgt. Knox: 6 / 6 Shadowheart: 4 / 6 Shaka: 5 / 6 Shandie: 5 / 6 Sisaspia: 4 / 6 Solaak: 5 / 6 Spurt: 4 / 6 Strongheart: 6 / 6 Talin: 5 / 6 Tatyana: 4 / 6 Thellora: 4 / 6 Turiel: 5 / 6 Tyril: 5 / 6 Ulkoria: 5 / 6 Umberto: 5 / 6 Uriah: 5 / 6 Valentine: 4 / 6 Vi: 5 / 6 Viconia: 3 / 6 Vin Ursa: 4 / 6 Virgil: 5 / 6 Vlahnya: 4 / 6 Voronika: 4 / 6 Walnut: 4 / 6 Widdle: 4 / 6 Wulfgar: 6 / 6 Wyll: 6 / 6 Xander: 5 / 6 Xerophon: 4 / 6
Unlock Adventure: The Merry Map Misadventure (Eric) (Complete Area 50)
Help a poor map find its way home for the holidays.
Variant 1: Cavalier! (Complete Area 75)
Eric starts in the formation. He can be moved but not removed.
Only Champions in the front two columns and the back column can deal damage.
1-2 Bullywug Spear Throwers spawn with each wave. They don’t drop gold, nor count towards quest progress.
Getting to Know Eric: Eric’s first specialization choice determines how he buffs the formation. Does he lead from the front or cower in the back?
Variant 2: Prison Without Walls (Complete Area 125)
Eric starts in the formation. He can’t be moved or removed.
In area 126 or higher, no Tanking Champions other than Eric can be added to the formation, and any other Tanking Champions are automatically removed.
A transformed Lukyon joins the formation. He doesn’t do much in his cursed form.
Getting to Know Eric: Knock back abilities are stronger when Eric is in the formation. Take advantage of that to protect your non-tanking Champions at the front!
Variant 3: The Wrath of Venger (Complete Area 175)
Eric starts in the formation. He can be moved but not removed.
At the start of each Boss area, Venger arrives on his nightmare as an additional boss that must be defeated.
You may only use Champions with an age of 20 or younger, have a total ability score of 78 or lower, or have the Gold Find role.
Getting to Know Eric: Eric’s second set of specializations determines which Champions he works best with. Which formation will you build?
Console Portrait
Gold Chest Icon
Silver Chest Icon
Last Modified: 2025-02-22 14:18:09 +0000