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PC Portrait for AeonPortrait Model GIF of AeonModel


Aeon, a Goliath of exceptional intellect and charm, masterfully intertwines her skills as an Artillerist Artificer and Bard of the College of Whispers. Operating under the guise of a master tinkerer, she is, in truth, a cunning spy and manipulative puppet master. Aeon owns the renowned Greenhow, a unique tavern where patrons are served by her intricate automata, while she sells mechanical devices and curios embedded with Sending Stones and other surveillance tools; her ‘gifts’ have managed to make their way into some of the most powerful homes in the North Ward of Waterdeep. Her strategy is brilliantly deceptive; she portrays herself as a flamboyant performer and entertainer, so vivid and engaging that none suspect her of orchestrating a grand network of espionage, controlling events from the shadows.

Basic Information

Aeon will be a new champion in the Founders’ Day event on 3 July 2024.

Seat: 10 Stat Value Day 1 Trials Patrons Race: Goliath Strength: 10 Yes Mirt Class: Bard / Artificer Dexterity: 10 - Vajra (Sometimes) Roles: Support / Debuff Constitution: 12 Yes Strahd Age: 32 Intelligence: 20 Yes Zariel Gender: Female Wisdom: 14 Yes Elminster Alignment: Lawful Evil Charisma: 18 Yes   Affiliation: - Total: 84 Champion ID: 150


AeonFounders' Day


Ranged Icon Base Attack: Cane Wand (Ranged)

Aeon fires an energy bolt from her cane at the closest enemy for one hit.
Cooldown: 6s (Cap 1.5s)

Raw Data

    "id": 769,
    "name": "Cane Wand",
    "description": "Aeon fires an energy bolt from her cane at the closest enemy for one hit.",
    "long_description": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "target": "front",
    "num_targets": 1,
    "aoe_radius": 0,
    "damage_modifier": 1,
    "cooldown": 6,
    "animations": [
            "type": "ranged_attack",
            "projectile": "pd_generic_projectile",
            "shoot_offset_x": 42,
            "shoot_offset_y": -40,
            "shoot_frame": 8,
            "shoot_sound": 149,
            "hit_sound": 133,
            "projectile_details": {
                "hash": "cane_wand",
                "target_offset_y": -20,
                "projectile_speed": 2000,
                "projectile_graphic_id": 23696,
                "projectile_hit_graphic_id": 23697,
                "trail": {
                    "particle_graphic_ids": [
                    "lifespan": 0.2,
                    "spawn_rate": 200,
                    "spawn_shape_scale": {
                        "x": 0,
                        "y": 0
                    "initial_velocity": {
                        "x": 0,
                        "y": 0
                    "velocity_jitter": {
                        "x": 30,
                        "y": 30
                    "rotation_jitter": 0,
                    "alpha_lerp": {
                        "0": 0,
                        "0.1": 0.75,
                        "1": 0
                    "scale_lerp": [
                            "x": 1,
                            "y": 1
                            "x": 0,
                            "y": 0
    "tags": [
    "damage_types": [

Ranged Icon Base Attack: Cane Wand (Ranged)

Aeon fires an energy bolt from her cane at the closest enemy that hits all enemies in a line.
Cooldown: 6s (Cap 1.5s)

Raw Data

    "id": 771,
    "name": "Cane Wand",
    "description": "Aeon fires an energy bolt from her cane at the closest enemy that hits all enemies in a line.",
    "long_description": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "target": "front",
    "num_targets": 1,
    "aoe_radius": 0,
    "damage_modifier": 1,
    "cooldown": 6,
    "animations": [
            "type": "ranged_attack",
            "projectile": "pd_generic_projectile",
            "shoot_offset_x": -50,
            "shoot_offset_y": -40,
            "shoot_frame": 8,
            "shoot_sound": 149,
            "hit_sound": 133,
            "projectile_details": {
                "hash": "cane_wand_buffed",
                "target_offset_y": -30,
                "projectile_speed": 2000,
                "move_across_entire_screen": true,
                "hit_monsters_moved_through": true,
                "line_thickness": 160,
                "projectile_graphic_id": 23696,
                "projectile_hit_graphic_id": 23697,
                "trail": {
                    "particle_graphic_ids": [
                    "lifespan": 0.2,
                    "spawn_rate": 200,
                    "spawn_shape_scale": {
                        "x": 0,
                        "y": 0
                    "initial_velocity": {
                        "x": 0,
                        "y": 0
                    "velocity_jitter": {
                        "x": 30,
                        "y": 30
                    "rotation_jitter": 0,
                    "alpha_lerp": {
                        "0": 0,
                        "0.1": 0.75,
                        "1": 0
                    "scale_lerp": [
                            "x": 1,
                            "y": 1
                            "x": 0,
                            "y": 0
    "tags": [
    "damage_types": [

Deuce Icon Ultimate Attack: Deuce (Level: 0)

Aeon’s mechanical monkey Deuce deals one ultimate hit to each enemy and knocks them back a short distance.
Cooldown: 360s (Cap 90s)

Raw Data

    "id": 770,
    "name": "Deuce",
    "description": "Deuce deals one ultimate hit to each enemy and knocks them back.",
    "long_description": "Aeon's mechanical monkey Deuce deals one ultimate hit to each enemy and knocks them back a short distance.",
    "graphic_id": 23841,
    "target": "front",
    "num_targets": 1,
    "aoe_radius": 0,
    "damage_modifier": 0.03,
    "cooldown": 360,
    "animations": [
            "type": "ultimate_attack",
            "ultimate": "aeon",
            "knockback_effect": {
                "effect_string": "push_back_monster,25"
            "beam_data": {
                "fire_duration": 0.1,
                "sweep_duration": 0.5,
                "angle": 60,
                "screen_edge_offset": 200,
                "beam_graphic": "Effect_AeonCaneBlast",
                "impact_graphic": "Effect_AeonUltBeam_Hit",
                "segment_width": 15,
                "distance_adjustment": -20,
                "scale": 1,
                "fire_offset": [
    "tags": [
    "damage_types": [

Network of Espionage Icon Network of Espionage (Level: 0)

Every week, Aeon targets one Patron for infiltration. Aeon can be used in any Patron adventure or variant for her current Patron target, even if she would not normally be available to be used due to variant or patron restrictions.

Raw Data

    "id": 15195,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 0,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2025",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Network of Espionage"
    "id": 2025,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Every week, Aeon targets one Patron for infiltration. Aeon can be used in any Patron adventure or variant for her current Patron target, even if she would not normally be available to be used due to variant or patron restrictions."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "do_nothing,0"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 23834,
    "large_graphic_id": 23830,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": false,
        "formation_circle_icon": false,
        "show_in_owner_outgoing": false,
        "not_a_buff": true

Inner Circle Icon Inner Circle (Level: 20)

Aeon increases the damage of adjacent Champions by 100% for each Champion in the formation that is eligible for the patron she is infiltrating this week, stacking multiplicatively.
Only Champions that start the adventure eligible, or Champions with equipped feats that make them eligible, will count for this ability.

Note: This ability is prestack.

Upgrade Data

       80: 200%
      170: 200%
      290: 200%
      370: 200%
      500: 200%
      630: 200%
      780: 200%
      920: 200%
    1,080: 200%
    1,240: 200%
    1,390: 200%
    1,540: 200%
    1,690: 200%

    Total Upgrade Bonus: 1.59e08%

Raw Data

    "id": 15196,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 20,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2003",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Inner Circle",
    "tip_text": "Aeon increases the damage of adjacent Champions, with the buff increasing for each Champion in the formation eligible for Aeon's current patron target."
    "id": 2003,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Aeon increases the damage of adjacent Champions by $(amount)% for each Champion in the formation that is eligible for the patron she is infiltrating this week, stacking multiplicatively.^Only Champions that start the adventure eligible, or Champions with equipped feats that make them eligible, will count for this ability."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "pre_stack_amount,100"
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "effect_string": "hero_dps_multiplier_mult,0",
            "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(15196, 0)",
            "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute",
            "per_hero_expr": "EligibleForPatron(aeon_current_patron_id)",
            "amount_func": "mult",
            "targets": [
                    "type": "distance",
                    "distance": 1
            "amount_updated_listeners": [
            "show_bonus": true,
            "use_computed_amount_for_description": true
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 23833,
    "large_graphic_id": 23829,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true
    "id": 15310,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 80,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15311,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 170,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15313,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 290,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15314,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 370,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15317,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 500,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15319,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 630,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15320,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 780,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15322,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 920,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15324,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 1080,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15326,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 1240,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15328,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 1390,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15329,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 1540,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""
    "id": 15332,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 1690,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "upgrade_ability",
    "effect": "{\"effect_string\": \"buff_upgrade,200,15196,1\"}",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": ""

Uncover Weakness Icon Uncover Weakness (Level: 60)

Each enemy that Aeon damages gains a Stolen Secrets stack. Enemies with a Stolen Secrets stack take 100% more damage from all sources, stacking multiplicatively up to 5 times.

Note: This ability is prestack.

Raw Data

    "id": 15197,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 60,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2004",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Uncover Weakness",
    "tip_text": "Aeon uncovers the secrets of her enemies, causing them to take more damage from all sources for each secret she has uncovered."
    "id": 2004,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Each enemy that Aeon damages gains a Stolen Secrets stack. Enemies with a Stolen Secrets stack take $(amount)% more damage from all sources, stacking multiplicatively up to 5 times."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "pre_stack,100"
            "effect_string": "aeon_uncover_weakness",
            "off_when_benched": true,
            "broadcast_name": "aeon_debuffs_monster",
            "debuff_before_damage": true,
            "debuff_max_stacks": 5,
            "debuffing_attack_ids": [
            "debuff_effects": [
                    "effect_string": "increase_monster_damage,0",
                    "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(15197,0)",
                    "is_aeon_debuff": true,
                    "active_graphic_id": 23961,
                    "active_graphic_y": -120,
                    "use_stack_as_frame": true,
                    "stack_as_frame_offset": 0,
                    "overlay_play_mode": "stopped",
                    "bottom": false,
                    "stacks_on_reapply": true,
                    "manual_stacking": true,
                    "max_stacks": 5,
                    "stacks_multiply": true,
                    "use_collection_source": false,
                    "stack_across_effects": false
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 23835,
    "large_graphic_id": 23831,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true,
        "retain_on_slot_changed": true,
        "default_bonus_index": 0

Challenge Accepted Icon Challenge Accepted (Level: 100)

Aeon increases the effect of Inner Circle by 100% for each completed patron challenge for her current Patron, stacking multiplicatively.

Note: This ability is prestack.

Raw Data

    "id": 15198,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 100,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2005",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Challenge Accepted"
    "id": 2005,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Aeon increases the effect of Inner Circle by $(amount)% for each completed patron challenge for her current Patron, stacking multiplicatively."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "pre_stack_amount,100"
            "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,0,15196,1",
            "amount_expr": "upgrade_amount(15198, 0)",
            "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute",
            "post_process_expr": "CompletedPatronChallenges(aeon_current_patron_id)",
            "amount_func": "mult",
            "amount_updated_listeners": [
            "show_bonus": true,
            "off_when_benched": true
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 23832,
    "large_graphic_id": 23828,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true

Deuce Icon Deuce (Level: 130)

Unlock Aeon’s Deuce Ultimate Attack.

Raw Data

    "id": 15204,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 130,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ultimate",
    "effect": "effect_def,2011",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Deuce"
    "id": 2011,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Unlock $(source_hero)'s Deuce Ultimate Attack"
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "set_ultimate_attack"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": []


Immediate Infiltration Icon Immediate Infiltration (Level: 150)

Increases the effect of Inner Circle by 100% each time Uncover Weakness applies a Stolen Secrets stack, stacking additively up to 10 times per area and resetting when changing areas.

Raw Data

    "id": 15199,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 150,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2006",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Immediate Infiltration",
    "specialization_name": "Immediate Infiltration",
    "specialization_description": "Aeon concentrates on getting information quickly, good for shorter adventures",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 23837
    "id": 2006,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Increases the effect of Inner Circle by $(not_buffed amount)% each time Uncover Weakness applies a Stolen Secrets stack, stacking additively up to 10 times per area and resetting when changing areas."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,100,15196,1",
            "max_stacks": 10,
            "total_title": "Total Buff to Inner Circle",
            "stacks_on_trigger": "on_broadcast_stacks,aeon_debuffs_monster",
            "show_bonus": true,
            "more_triggers": [
                    "trigger": "area_changed",
                    "action": {
                        "type": "reduce_percent",
                        "percent": 100
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true

Play the Long Game Icon Play the Long Game (Level: 150)

Increases the effect of Inner Circle by 0.1% each time Uncover Weakness applies a Stolen Secrets stack, stacking additively up to 1,000,000 times and persisting until you reset the adventure.

Raw Data

    "id": 15200,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 150,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2007",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Play the Long Game",
    "specialization_name": "Play the Long Game",
    "specialization_description": "Aeon seeks out comprehensive information, best for long adventures",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 23838
    "id": 2007,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Increases the effect of Inner Circle by $(not_buffed amount)% each time Uncover Weakness applies a Stolen Secrets stack, stacking additively up to 1,000,000 times and persisting until you reset the adventure."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,0.1,15196,1",
            "max_stacks": 1000000,
            "total_title": "Total Buff to Inner Circle",
            "stacks_on_trigger": "on_broadcast_stacks,aeon_debuffs_monster",
            "off_when_benched": false,
            "show_bonus": true
            "effect_string": "aeon_play_the_long_game",
            "broadcast_name": "aeon_debuffs_monster"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "indexed_effect_properties": true,
        "per_effect_index_bonuses": true

Artificer's Arsenal Icon Artificer’s Arsenal (Level: 250)

Cane Wand can now pierce through the targeted enemy, dealing one hit to all enemies in a line. Additionally, it deals 5 seconds of BUD-based damage to all enemies it hits.

Raw Data

    "id": 15201,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 250,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2008",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Artificer's Arsenal",
    "specialization_name": "Artificer's Arsenal",
    "specialization_description": "Aeon improves the damage of her Cane Wand.",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 23836
    "id": 2008,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Cane Wand can now pierce through the targeted enemy, dealing one hit to all enemies in a line. Additionally, it deals 5 seconds of BUD-based damage to all enemies it hits."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "change_base_attack,771"
            "effect_string": "base_attack_deal_bonus_damage,5",
            "immediately_after_damage": true
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "formation_circle_icon": false

Powerful Patronage Icon Powerful Patronage (Level: 250)

Increases the pre-stack effect of Challenge Accepted by 150% while on a patron adventure/variant/free play for the week’s chosen patron.

Note: This applies prestackitively to Challenge Accepted.

Raw Data

    "id": 15203,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 250,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2010",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Powerful Patronage",
    "specialization_name": "Powerful Patronage",
    "specialization_description": "Aeon assists her current Patron on completing patron variant adventures.",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 23839
    "id": 2010,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Increases the pre-stack effect of Challenge Accepted by 150% while on a patron adventure/variant/free play for the week's chosen patron."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,150,15198,0",
            "amount_func": "if",
            "stack_func": "per_hero_attribute",
            "post_process_expr": "OnPatronAdventure(aeon_current_patron_id)"
    "requirements": [
            "requirement": "is_on_aeon_patron_variant_or_freeplay",
            "use_requirement_only_for_valid_spec_check": true
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true,
        "check_requirements_on_spec_choice": true

Spy Network Icon Spy Network (Level: 250)

Inner Circle now affects all Champions within two slots of Aeon and its pre-stack effect is increased by 75%.

Raw Data

    "id": 15202,
    "hero_id": 150,
    "required_level": 250,
    "required_upgrade_id": 0,
    "upgrade_type": "unlock_ability",
    "effect": "effect_def,2009",
    "static_dps_mult": null,
    "default_enabled": 1,
    "name": "Spy Network",
    "specialization_name": "Spy Network",
    "specialization_description": "Aeon expands her inner circle up to include more members.",
    "specialization_graphic_id": 23840
    "id": 2009,
    "flavour_text": "",
    "description": {
        "desc": "Inner Circle now affects all Champions within two slots of Aeon and its pre-stack effect is increased by 75%."
    "effect_keys": [
            "effect_string": "change_upgrade_data,15196,1",
            "data": {
                "targets": [
                        "type": "distance",
                        "distance": 2
            "effect_string": "buff_upgrade,75,15196,0"
    "requirements": "",
    "graphic_id": 0,
    "large_graphic_id": 0,
    "properties": {
        "is_formation_ability": true,
        "owner_use_outgoing_description": true


Icons Slot Epic Name Effect An Emerging Interest IconAn Emerging InterestThis is difficult for folks? Seems pretty easy to me.global_dps_multiplier_mult,10Sparking Cane IconSparking CaneSkill is one thing. The tools to properly protect yourself are another.global_dps_multiplier_mult,65Artificer's Walking Stick IconArtificer’s Walking StickLeave them amazed, even if it’s just by going for a walk.global_dps_multiplier_mult,120Antimatter Blasting Cane IconAntimatter Blasting CaneReconsider that choice before you find out what my cane can really do.global_dps_multiplier_mult,230  1 Antimatter Blasting Cane All Champion Damage Start of the Show IconStart of the ShowI once saw a showman that drew crowds from all around wear this…buff_upgrade,25,15196,1Top Hat IconTop Hat…and from that moment on I knew exactly how I wanted to present myself.buff_upgrade,87.5,15196,1Hat of the Spymaster IconHat of the SpymasterAs time went on my style and skills began to crossover…buff_upgrade,150,15196,1Top Hat of Telepathy IconTop Hat of Telepathy…until eventually, they became one and the same.buff_upgrade,275,15196,1 2 Top Hat of Telepathy Inner Circle Spy's Protection IconSpy’s ProtectionIn this world, thoughts are not safe. I know that better than most.buff_upgrade,25,15197,0Ring of Mind Shielding IconRing of Mind ShieldingThere’s a second feature of this item most don’t think about. A backup plan.buff_upgrade,87.5,15197,0Necklace of Intellect IconNecklace of IntellectI need my mind and my skills to be as sharp as they can be.buff_upgrade,150,15197,0Bigby's Beneficent Bracelet IconBigby’s Beneficent BraceletA recent gift from back home. Somewhere I haven’t been in a long, long time.buff_upgrade,275,15197,0 3 Bigby’s Beneficent Bracelet Uncover Weakness (Prestack) A Fresh Idea IconA Fresh IdeaThese were just something I made in my free time…buff_upgrade,25,15198,1Music Box IconMusic Box…but I saw a much greater potential for them.buff_upgrade,87.5,15198,1Aeon's Wonderous Music Box IconAeon’s Wonderous Music BoxIt’s amazing the things people will just take into their homes.buff_upgrade,150,15198,1Cosmic Wind-up IconCosmic Wind-upThis one… this one is just for my own collection.buff_upgrade,275,15198,1 4 Cosmic Wind-up Challenge Accepted Elegant Disguise IconElegant DisguisePeople always think of spies in black leathers and hoods…buff_upgrades,25,15199,15200Glamoured Shawl IconGlamoured Shawl…never in elegant formal wear out on the town.buff_upgrades,87.5,15199,15200Heels of Elvenkind IconHeels of ElvenkindThese had to be specially made, but it was completely worth it.buff_upgrades,150,15199,15200Gown of Whispers IconGown of WhispersNot even a hushed conversation escapes me while in this.buff_upgrades,275,15199,15200 5 Gown of Whispers All First Specialisations A New Friend IconA New FriendThis was more of a test of my own skill than anything else.reduce_ultimate_cooldown,9Mark II Sparrow IconMark II SparrowBut, to my surprise, it turned into a friend and companion.reduce_ultimate_cooldown,18Mark VII 'Deuce' IconMark VII ‘Deuce’It took a while to find a form he was comfortable in…reduce_ultimate_cooldown,36Mark X Pseudodragon IconMark X Pseudodragon…but just wait until he sees what I’ve been working on for him.reduce_ultimate_cooldown,90 6 Mark X Pseudodragon Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
Cap: 501 dull / 251 shiny / 126 golden.

Item Names and Descriptions

Slot 1:
       An Emerging Interest: This is difficult for folks? Seems pretty easy to me.
              Sparking Cane: Skill is one thing. The tools to properly protect yourself are
  Artificer's Walking Stick: Leave them amazed, even if it's just by going for a walk.
   Antimatter Blasting Cane: Reconsider that choice before you find out what my cane can really

Slot 2:
          Start of the Show: I once saw a showman that drew crowds from all around wear this...
                    Top Hat: ...and from that moment on I knew exactly how I wanted to present
       Hat of the Spymaster: As time went on my style and skills began to crossover...
       Top Hat of Telepathy: ...until eventually, they became one and the same.

Slot 3:
           Spy's Protection: In this world, thoughts are not safe. I know that better than
     Ring of Mind Shielding: There's a second feature of this item most don't think about. A
                             backup plan.
      Necklace of Intellect: I need my mind and my skills to be as sharp as they can be.
Bigby's Beneficent Bracelet: A recent gift from back home. Somewhere I haven't been in a long,
                             long time.

Slot 4:
               A Fresh Idea: These were just something I made in my free time...
                  Music Box: ...but I saw a much greater potential for them.
 Aeon's Wonderous Music Box: It's amazing the things people will just take into their homes.
             Cosmic Wind-up: This one... this one is just for my own collection.

Slot 5:
           Elegant Disguise: People always think of spies in black leathers and hoods...
            Glamoured Shawl: ...never in elegant formal wear out on the town.
         Heels of Elvenkind: These had to be specially made, but it was completely worth it.
           Gown of Whispers: Not even a hushed conversation escapes me while in this.

Slot 6:
               A New Friend: This was more of a test of my own skill than anything else.
            Mark II Sparrow: But, to my surprise, it turned into a friend and companion.
           Mark VII 'Deuce': It took a while to find a form he was comfortable in...
        Mark X Pseudodragon: ...but just wait until he sees what I've been working on for him.


This list will only show feats that are going to be available on the release of this champion. The separate Feats page may show others that could be available later if they exist.

Feat Effect Source Selflessness IconSelflessness (Aeon)Yes, I am going to help, but it WILL cost you!global_dps_multiplier_mult,10Selflessness 10% All Champion Damage Free Inspiring Leader IconInspiring Leader (Aeon)How about you do your jobs, or I start revealing your darkest secrets?global_dps_multiplier_mult,25Inspiring Leader 25% All Champion Damage Gold Chest You'll Do IconYou’ll Do (Aeon)I guess you have your uses.buff_upgrade,20,15196,1You’ll Do 20% Inner Circle Free Trusted For Now IconTrusted For Now (Aeon)Don’t be surprised when we aren’t friends next week.buff_upgrade,40,15196,1Trusted For Now 40% Inner Circle 12,500 Gems Word on the Street IconWord on the Street (Aeon)Don’t worry; I know where their real weak spot is.buff_upgrade,40,15197,0Word on the Street 40% Uncover Weakness (Prestack) Gold Chest A Little Bird Said... IconA Little Bird Said… (Aeon)Now that folks are talking, our enemies will crumble.buff_upgrade,80,15197,0A Little Bird Said… 80% Uncover Weakness (Prestack) Event Bonus Are You Chicken? IconAre You Chicken? (Aeon)They have no idea how far I will go to prove I’m right.buff_upgrade,20,15198,1Are You Chicken? 20% Challenge Accepted Free Do You Give Up? IconDo You Give Up? (Aeon)Next time, don’t mess with a professional.buff_upgrade,40,15198,1Do You Give Up? 40% Challenge Accepted 12,500 Gems The Plan IconThe Plan (Aeon)Don’t worry. They’re playing right into our hands.buff_upgrades,20,15199,15200The Plan 20% All First Specialisations Free The Heist IconThe Heist (Aeon)Something ALWAYS goes wrong!buff_upgrades,40,15199,15200The Heist 40% All First Specialisations Gold Chest The Getaway IconThe Getaway (Aeon)What were you so worried about?buff_upgrades,80,15199,15200The Getaway 80% All First Specialisations 50,000 Gems


DPS Applicable

     Arkhan: 4 / 6
    Artemis: 5 / 6
    Asharra: 6 / 6
      Azaka: 5 / 6
     Binwin: 4 / 6
   Birdsong: 6 / 6
Black Viper: 6 / 6
 Catti-brie: 6 / 6
     D'hani: 6 / 6
  Dark Urge: 4 / 6
     Delina: 6 / 6
    Dhadius: 4 / 6
     Drizzt: 5 / 6
    Farideh: 6 / 6
        Fen: 6 / 6
      Grimm: 4 / 6
     Gromma: 6 / 6
       Ishi: 6 / 6
    Jaheira: 5 / 6
    Jamilah: 5 / 6
   Jarlaxle: 5 / 6
        Jim: 5 / 6
    Karlach: 5 / 6
       Kent: 4 / 6
      Krond: 5 / 6
       Krux: 5 / 6
    Lae'zel: 6 / 6
     Lucius: 5 / 6
      Makos: 4 / 6
      Minsc: 3 / 6
      NERDS: 5 / 6
     Nahara: 5 / 6
      Nixie: 4 / 6
     Orisha: 6 / 6
   Prudence: 6 / 6
      Strix: 6 / 6
     Warden: 4 / 6
    Warduke: 4 / 6
      Zorbu: 5 / 6

Non-DPS Applicable

          Aeon: 6 / 6
          Aila: 5 / 6
       Alyndra: 6 / 6
       Antrius: 4 / 6
         Avren: 4 / 6
          BBEG: 5 / 6
       Baeloth: 5 / 6
        Beadle: 4 / 6
       Blooshi: 5 / 6
          Brig: 5 / 6
          Briv: 3 / 6
       Bruenor: 4 / 6
      Calliope: 6 / 6
       Celeste: 6 / 6
     Certainty: 6 / 6
       Corazón: 5 / 6
        Deekin: 3 / 6
       Desmond: 5 / 6
         Diana: 6 / 6
           Dob: 5 / 6
        Donaar: 3 / 6
    Dragonbait: 5 / 6
Dungeon Master: 5 / 6
      Dynaheir: 6 / 6
        Egbert: 3 / 6
       Evandra: 5 / 6
        Evelyn: 6 / 6
     Ezmerelda: 6 / 6
        Freely: 3 / 6
          Gale: 4 / 6
       Gazrick: 5 / 6
      Hew Maan: 5 / 6
         Hitch: 5 / 6
         Imoen: 6 / 6
      Jang Sao: 6 / 6
      K'thriss: 4 / 6
         Korth: 4 / 6
         Krull: 5 / 6
        Krydle: 5 / 6
       Lazaapz: 5 / 6
         Mehen: 5 / 6
          Melf: 5 / 6
      Merilwen: 6 / 6
         Miria: 6 / 6
        Môrgæn: 6 / 6
        Nayeli: 4 / 6
         Nerys: 6 / 6
        Nordom: 4 / 6
          Nova: 5 / 6
         Nrakk: 5 / 6
          Omin: 5 / 6
        Orkira: 5 / 6
       Paultin: 5 / 6
      Penelope: 5 / 6
        Presto: 5 / 6
         Pwent: 4 / 6
        Qillek: 5 / 6
     Ravengard: 4 / 6
         Regis: 4 / 6
          Reya: 6 / 6
          Rust: 5 / 6
        Selise: 6 / 6
        Sentry: 5 / 6
     Sgt. Knox: 4 / 6
   Shadowheart: 5 / 6
         Shaka: 5 / 6
       Shandie: 6 / 6
      Sisaspia: 6 / 6
        Solaak: 5 / 6
         Spurt: 3 / 6
         Stoki: 6 / 6
   Strongheart: 5 / 6
         Talin: 5 / 6
       Tatyana: 5 / 6
      Thellora: 5 / 6
        Turiel: 5 / 6
       Umberto: 5 / 6
         Uriah: 5 / 6
     Valentine: 6 / 6
            Vi: 6 / 6
       Viconia: 6 / 6
      Vin Ursa: 6 / 6
       Vlahnya: 6 / 6
      Voronika: 6 / 6
        Walnut: 5 / 6
        Widdle: 6 / 6
          Wyll: 5 / 6
        Xander: 5 / 6
      Xerophon: 5 / 6

Adventures and Variants

Party Crashers (Aeon) Icon Unlock Adventure: Party Crashers (Aeon) (Complete Area 50)

Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders’ Day gone awry.

Mechanical Mayhem Icon Variant 1: Mechanical Mayhem (Complete Area 75)

1-2 Iron Defenders spawn with each wave. They don’t drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
Aeon starts in the formation. She can’t be moved or removed.
Only Champions next to Aeon can deal damage.
Getting to Know Aeon: Aeon buffs Champions next to her. Place your damage dealer next to her for the best effect!

Spy's Strategy Icon Variant 2: Spy’s Strategy (Complete Area 125)

Aeon starts in the formation. She can’t be moved or removed.
You may only use core Champions and/or Champions eligible for Aeon’s current Patron.
Getting to Know Aeon: Aeon’s main buff is made stronger by using Champions that are eligible for the Patron she is currently infiltrating.

Discovered Secrets Icon Variant 3: Discovered Secrets (Complete Area 175)

Aeon starts in the formation. She can’t be moved or removed.
Only monsters that have a debuff can take damage.
Getting to Know Aeon: Aeon’s attacks debuff monsters, making them take additional damage. Use her and other debuffing Champions to make it so you can damage these monsters!

Other Champion Images

Aeon Console PortraitConsole Portrait Aeon Gold Chest IconGold Chest Icon Aeon Silver Chest IconSilver Chest Icon

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Last Modified: 2024-06-29 20:32:21 +0000