Delete Formation Saves

This page will let you pick and choose any formation saves you have and delete them. The aim of this is to lower the amount of data you need to download every time the game restarts or the modron resets - since the server pulls ALL of your formation saves every time.


Buy Unowned Gem Feats

This page will let you buy any gem feat that is available that you don't already own. Mainly it's for people who want to buy every gem feat in the game regardless of what they do - which is why so little information is given.

Note: Any feats bought this way will not count to the three achievements that require purchasing feats with gems: Gems For Power (1 feat), Gem Sink (20 feats) and Purchasing Power (80 feats). They must be completed by buying the feats in-game.


Shinies Calculator

This page will tell you how many shinies you can get on-average from your current amount of event tokens - as well as what you could get if you used every single one of your bounty contracts.          

Aeon Patron Data

This page will just tell you which patron Aeon is currently on - as well as when she'll switch and what patron she'll switch to.